Chapter Twenty-One

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Krey's POV

My throat burned and my body felt heavy, I clutched the sheets as the pain erupted from my stomach and on wards. My limbs felt like jello my eyes sealed tightly together as I tried not to scream.

But the pain was violent, I had been locked in my room for a little over two days only allowing Sally in, I knew that sooner or later I would have to let Avery in, but I was concerned.

My stomach had growth faster than even a normal werewolf pup. I looked like a balloon, my tummy round as ever. Sweat ran down my head and face plastering my hair down to my skin. I'd seen myself and I had almost cried, my skin was pale as a ghost, my eyes hollowed on. I could have passed as a live corpse.

But moving had become painful, my body lacked energy and I was becoming anemic. I could barley eat so I had an IV in my arm. I could shift but it was even more painful than normal. And I couldn't go anywhere once I did. Avery had been out furious that I wouldn't tell him what was wrong.

I screamed when I felt a kick against my stomach, tears streamed down my face. The pain was becoming unbearable. I turned my head when a strong knock sounded on the door. I wanted to answer, but another kick happened and u screamed again.

The door just about got knocked off it hinges. Avery was their shirtless and in basketball shorts he smelled like the woods. He m user have just gotten back from running. His eyes widen once he took in my sight, and then they softened with a fatherly love. I smiled but more kicks and more pain shoot through my body.

I let out a chocked sob, that had Avery at my side in a second. His hand brushing back my matted hair that clung to my forehead. He whispered softly into my ear and I calm down and the baby seemed to add well, because the kicking stopped.

"Your pregnant, I should have noticed." Avery breathed out as he used one hand to brush back my hair and then the other rest on my stomach.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you." I whispered out my voice was horse and stained.

"Ssh, it's fine, I'm sure you had your reasons. You look about ready to burst." He commented and I chuckled a little, enjoying his soft strokes on my head and stomach. My wolf hummed at his touched.

Their tearing us apart...

My wolf breathed in my head and I couldn't help but agree with her. Not only that but he or she would be here soon enough. I had no doubt in my mind that it would be a hybrid.

"But I'm sorry. Your going to be a dad soon." I reached a hand out and he held my hand. I smile and close my eyes.

"How long has it been?," he asked.

"Almost four months, it's been about three in a half." I hissed out, the pain hitting me hard, I whimpered out. And Avery stroked my hair, my breathing is strangled.

"Your moving along fast aren't you?" He kept stroking my hair and I nodded enjoying it.

"Faster than normal this should be happen in four and then in the fifth you'll have the pups." He talked out loud at this point just voicing his thoughts.

He was right I would have pre-mature born pups. And their was no delaying it, the way the pain had increased. It felt like I would give birth any second.

But the was probably just from the fact that the morphine had run it course. And as if hearing my inner thoughts Sally make her way through the door.

Her face looking hollow and grim. Her body looked tired and I couldn't blame her, I probably looked about the same. She pulled a shot up and walked over towards me and put the needle into the IV leak.

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