Chapter Thirteen

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Krey's POV

I woke up to a bloody headache that made me wish I was still asleep. I couldn't tell what was really going on around me my head stung when I touched it. I wondered if maybe I had head trauma, I wasn't in to much of a hurry to find out. I defiantly didn't want to move I just wanted to lay where ever I was for a long time.

But I sensed something different I wasn't around rouges anymore. That made me sit up violently as I remember end what had transpired and what had happened to me. Biting my lips hard so I don't let out a whimper of pain I try to now focus my blurred eye vision taking in my surrounding as I did.

Clean white curtains obscured most of my view I was on a comfy bed and I could feel the other wolves prences and then I realized that I was back at Avery's pack house, or maybe it was mine but I didn't smell and familiar scents.

I thought about swinging my leg around from underneath the covers but then before I could the curtains are pulled back and I see a very surprised pack doctor that looked at me like she though that I would sill be asleep. And truth be told I wanted to be asleep to, it sounded heavenly at the moment.

She bowed her head and then moved towards me placing a clip board down at my side on the table that I hadn't noticed earlier. I turned towards her and she pulled back her hair in a pony tail.

"Hello Luna." That caught me by surprise I didn't think about that I had run away but I was the new Luna of the pack. "How are you feeling right now?" I chuckled at that right now I just wish the throbbing in my head would go away.

"Tell you the truth down right shitty." She smiled at my words and nodded pulling open the drawer in the stand out she pulled out a needle and then a vile. I looked at the vile I was never one for shots, I looked at it in fear. She must have noticed because she lightly patted my knee trying to comfort me.

"This will help with the pain. You are pretty lucky Luna you were heavily poisoned with sliver, if we hadn't gotten their you might not have made it. The rest of the pack is happy that you are all right, the Alpha has been restless for the past couple of days that you have been asleep recovering." She hold up the needle and I reluctantly give her my arm.

She tighten a band and then looks for the right vein and I wait and then the sting comes when she quickly and effectively sticks me with the needle. I nodded my head at what she is saying as I watch the content of the needle be deposited into my arm. I shiver a little when it over and she unties the band and flings the needle in a hazard bin.

"Thank you-" I would say her name but she hadn't given it to me yet.

"Sally Albright, Luna. And no the pleasure is mine I am glad that I could help you." She said blushing a little, and I smile she was nice. She would be a good friend to have in my new pack. It seems like I would have to accept the out come of my night of fun with Avery. And become the Alpha Mate and the Luna both trying duties no matter how you look at it.

I rubbed my eyes with my hands as I think it over. Sally gives me a worried look and I give her a small smile. She nods and stand up. When she reaches the curtain she turns back and look at me seriousness and kindness mixed together.

"I am glad the Alpha found someone like you he needs someone that will challenge him and I think your going to just that. Now rest and don't move you need to stay still in tile those wounds of yours to heal them selves. No activity that mean no shifting and anything else that might open a wound." She gave me the stern parent look and left. She was a doctor at heart that was for sure. I didn't mind doing nothing sounded pretty nice right now.

I leaned back on my pillow and then I noticed how heavy my eye lids are like bricks are attached to the end of them and I let them close. I was suppose to relax and this was perfect. I drifted off to a soundless sleep that was nice.

What felt like minutes was hours when I woke up Avery sat in a chair next to my bed and my wolf was over joyed she wanted to jump in his arms but I didn't want to move. So we compromised I stretched out my arm and touched his hand sparks ran up my arm. He looked over at me a worried expression I on that I had never seen but it made my heart fluttered.

But I still didn't know if it was right to allow him access to my feelings just yet. Should I let him in yet or would that be another mistake I live to regret.


Hey guys I am super excited right now on an adrenaline high to. Just beat our rivals they were undefeated till tonight we just crushed them. So here's a treat.

Remember vote comment and love it. Cuz I love you guys. :)

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