The Loving Kind- Chim

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Kimberley's POV:

It's the first day of the reunion, the exciting anticipating one that's been presented and rumoured in the press. Nothing has been finalised yet but aswell as Nicola writing songs, other songwriters have given us some material to work with if we decide to take it further on which is the plan. Nadine has flown over from LA, can't tell how long it's been since i last saw her plus Sarah, i think i've seen her twice in the past year? Only one was the other day when we went out for drinks with Nicola, who i've seen quite a lot of. Nadine has just wondered in obviously with a Starbucks in her hand. Sarah has joined me and Nicola sat on the couch waiting for the meeting to start. Hilary barges through the door, fussing and worrying as usual with paper flying from each hand and her bag over flowing with letters.

"Girls! Are you all here? They're setting up next door?!"

Nadine finally sits down about to explain what she's been up to lately when she looks around, i'm guessing to see if Cheryl is here.

"Chez hasn't arrived"

"She best be here on time, have any of you been in touch with her?!"

I can see the worry in her eyes as most of the girls look at me knowing mine and Cheryl's friendship is the strongest between all of us and we can't go without seeing each other for a few days or if she's away, we have a long phonecall every few days. Hoping i don't get questioned, i sink back in my seat slightly when i hear Hilary ask me.



Trying to play dumb to get the attention off me? Nice try Kimberley.

"Seen Cheryl?!"

"No, no i haven't"

In all honesty i haven't seen Cheryl in months! I can't remember the last phone call she returned or the last text message she sent me. We have lost all contact and i have no clue why, she was doing so well and as soon as her successful tour was over and a few extra interviews to keep the public happy, she was gone. No paps had seen her, none of us hadn't seen her and i most definitely not had seen her since her London date at tour. We went for drinks with her where i met Tre and she seemed very happy not only to be with him but happy with herself. I don't understand what's happened with her, if she was taking a break, she'd surely tell me?

I hear a creak in the door when i look back up where Hilary screams. Tre has walked through the door, looking very nervous.

"Hi girls, sorry it's only me but i don't think Cheryl's gonna make it in today"


Hilary screams again, Tre stands pretty nervous, before Hilary can shout again i send her away.

"Hilary could you go next door and keep them busy while i see what's going on?"

"Fine Kimberley but without Cheryl, none of these dreams of touring again will ever happen"

I nod, take a big deep breath and shut the door behind Hilary before greeting Tre with a smile. He gives me a worried one back, i can't help but think something's wrong, he doesn't seem himself.

"So what's happened?"


"With Cheryl?"

"She can't make it in, i don't think"

"But why?"

"She's not been feeling too good lately"

"Well what's wrong with her?"

He stays silent, knowing all of us are staring straight at him wanting to know what's going on.

"Tre, come on. What is it? Cold? Infection? Virus? Something serious? Wait she's not preg-"

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