Chapter Twenty Four

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Kimberley's POV:

"If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?"

"I like where i am really, just somewhere i could call home, where family and friends would be."

"Aw, that's sweet Kimba."

"What about you?"

"I don't know, somewhere away from the media and everyone who's hurt me before. Oh and preferably hot."

"Suppose it being sunny would be a bonus, ok i have one. If you could be anyone for 24 hours, who would you be?"

"Oh that's a hard one! I'd probably be the queen or something, boss people about and just live with no worries or doubt."

"Good answer, i think i'd be someone who'd live their life to the fullest. One of those people who just go and jump out of airplanes or swim with sharks, just to see what it's like for a day."

"Even better answer Ms Walsh! Right if you could be any animal, what would it be?"

"Coco or Buster because they get spoiled rotten!"

"Kimba! Be serious!"

"Ok, i'd be a bird so i could just fly all over the place and just see everything! And you?"

"God i don't really know, something really different like a penguin or koala bear or something? Somewhere with a really different unique habitat."

"Yeah, that would be good! We've been at this for nearly two hours! Last one, ready? If you could go back in time and never had auditioned for popstars then what would you be?"

"Does it cancel out entertainment aswell? Cause i'd have been a dancer or something?"

"Yeah, it cancels that out. Has to be something like normal if you get me?"

"Right well if i had listened in school and had decent grades, i'd be something like a forensic scientist? I know it's weird but don't you think it's really interesting? Like how you can find so much out by the smallest bit of blood or a fingerprint."

"Yeah, it would be too creepy for me though. I suppose if entertainments cancelled out so i couldn't do something in theatre then i guess i'd probably do something business wise? Own my own business or something?"

"Aw i could imagine you with your little briefcase!"


She bursts out laughing as i shove her before suddenly disappearing off the end of the bed.

"Oh my god, CHEZ! Are you ok?!"

I roll over as quick as possible and look over the side to see her laid flat out on her back but still in fits of laughter.


I laugh as she's still giggling away, tears now leaking from the corners of her eyes. I take her hands and easily lift her on to the bed as she calms herself down.

"Breathe Chez, breathe!"

"Oh god Kimba! I love you!"

She stutters out between laughter again. Butterflies appear in my stomach as i hear those three words. Those three words that probably mean nothing to her.

"Did you hurt yourself? What about your ribs?!"

"Kimba, i'm fine! I didn't feel it."

I notice the small flash of pain in her eyes, i roll my eyes at her and lean over and grab my bag.

"What are you doing?"

She asks as i rummage around in my bag before finding the small tube of cream and lifting up her top, struggling to see her ribs properly.

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