Chapter Eleven

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Kimberley's POV:

"No! NOOO"

"Cheryl? Cheryl!"

I'm brought out of my day dream i've been in for the last few hours to Cheryl sat upright screaming, her eyes firmly closed but she's tossing and turning violently in her hospital bed. Nadine rushes in with two cups of coffee, setting the down then running back out when seeing the state of Cheryl. I take her hand and do my best to wake her up.

"Chez? Chez babe wake up! Open your eyes, come on Chez!"


The nurse shouts from behind me, i turn around instantly and she rushes over tying the Cheryl's hand down to the bed with restraints. The nurse looks at me, letting me continue while she checks out the machines beside the bed. I pull her hair away from her head, it starting to to stick to her forehead with sweat. The tossing and turning starts to slow down as me and Nadine both try and wake her up.

"Sh Chez babe, it's Kimba"


She moans becoming more conscious.

"Open your eyes babes"

Some time in the next five minutes her eyes slowly open, she looks pretty lost to start with but her eyes meet mine.


"It's me"

"What happened? I can't-"

"Don't worry about that now"

"No please, just tell me"

"Not now ok Chez? Get some sleep ok?"

I reply sitting down beside her bed, my eyes drooping pretty bad now.

"I'm not gonna sleep until you tell me?"

I sigh as Nadine gives me a sympathetic smile.

"Basically i got a call from Ashley-"


"Yeah and you'd turned up at his acting as if you was married again then you'd kissed him but once he rejected you, you freaked out anyway he rang me and when he came back in you was throwing up everywhere and by the time i arrived you had lost consciousness"

"What's happening to me?!"

She starts to break down, her bottom lip trembling and her eyes filling up with tears.

"Hey! Hey don't start now, look i need to tell you something"

She sits up, wiping her tears and suddenly becoming more interesting.

"What is it?"

"If you're tired, it can wait"

"No please, just tell me now"

"I saw a doctor today, Nicola recommended him to me so we had a chat and i think we know what's wrong"

"You saw a doctor behind my back?"

"No time for arguing Cheryl, look we can sort this! You don't have to be like this anymore and i know you get angry and say you don't care but it's obvious you do care-"

I trail off, noticing her response is blank. Her eyes focusing on the blanket covering her legs and her lips turning dryer every second. She stays silent for a few minutes before clearing her throat and licking her lips.

"So this Doctor? He can help? He can stop me doing these things?"

"It's not that easy, it will take time and there's different paths you can take?"

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