Chapter Twenty

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Kimberley's POV:

Laying side by side, our limbs tangled together, her back pressed against my stomach and her head just infront of mine. I know she's not sleeping because her breaths aren't quite even and settled.


She shifts around a bit before turning around and facing me, her hand entwining with mine.


She mumbles as she pushes her head into the crook of my neck, almost desperate for my touch.

"You ok?"

I ask, pressing a soft kiss on to her hairline.

"Never better..."

She mumbles against my skin, sending vibrations through my body.

So far we've just been cuddled up together, making up for the past week but something feels different. I feel the need to have my hands wrapped around her or touching her in some way as she lets me, soaking up the affection i'm showing. It's true what they say 'You don't realise how much you miss someone, till their gone'.

"What're you thinking about?"

She's now tracing circles around my hip, slowly moving towards my back.

"I'm just happy that i could stay and that you took a big step today, i'm incredibly proud of you!"

I feel her lips spread into a smile as she shuffles her head out from my neck and faces me, her face at the opposite end of the pillow.

"Are the girls ok?"

"Yeah, they just want you to get better."

"And him?"

"Ashley or Tre?"

She rolls her eyes but i can tell she doesn't know who to ask about.

"Tre of course?"

"He's totally confused, he says he might come see you because he needs to go back to America for a while."

"Oh, ok. And Ashley?"

"He's worried aswell, he wanted to come see you but i put it off for a while. Didn't want him messing with your head anymore."

She nods, probably thinking over whether it's a good idea to have Ashley visit her here.

"Thank you."

She whispers into the darkness, our eyes still gazing to each other's, our hands still pressed together somewhere between the scrunched up sheets on the bed.

"For what?"

"Believing in me, showing me i can overcome this. Just being there for me."

"That's what i'm here for, i'll always be there. I love you Cheryl."

She's shuffled her face closer to mine, her hot breath caressing my face. She presses a small kiss at the corner of my mouth, leaving her lips lingering there for a while.

"I love you too Kimberley."

I return the smile she gave me a few seconds ago, just staring hopelessly into her eyes. I feel her press her body into mine, her arms wrapping around my shoulders. I push my leg over hers, pulling her even more closer, any distance that was between us now gone.

She's pressing small hot kisses against my collarbone and shamelessly i let her.

She moves her lips, still pressing lightly against my skin every second up to my neck and carrying on to my cheek bone.

Again i let her, i let my mind settle on the fact maybe she just needs a bit of love. She needs to let her affection out every so often or whenever she can and who am i to stop that?

I feel her nose bump against mine as her lips hover infront of my own. As she pushes my nose up slightly with her own, everything surrounding us seems to disappear. Cheryl's condition, all our problems, the stupid home we're in, Ashley and Tre and everything else that's forever holding us back. I feel her dark eyes travel from my own down to my lips before flicking back up to my eyes, i soon realise what's about to come next... but i don't make a move myself, still staring into her eyes. Almost daring her to do what i think she wants too.

In another way, i want to scream at her, telling her to stop, stop playing with my emotions, stop making me feel this way but i can't.

So when her lips do finally press lightly against my own, i find myself returning it. Our joined hands coming to rest between our chests and she keeps her lips firmly against mine. Her lips soft, slow and gentle, something that's the complete opposite of her mind.

And in that second before i pull away, i think about everything that's happened over the past few months. I think about how wrong this is, she's ill. She surely doesn't feel what i feel, she's confused, she's damaged, she's ill.


I mutter as i try and leave her lips only for her to keep them connected.

"Chez- Chez, stop!"

I finally manage to pull my lips away from hers, moving back and creating quite a big distance between us. Her head is now pressed into the pillow and her brown eyes are full with tears.

"You're not thinking straight and-"

"I'm thinking perfectly fine-"

"No, you're confused."

"I wouldn't do it if i didn't mean it!"


"It's ok Kimberley, you don't want too..."

She turns over, pulling the covers under her chin and curling into a ball on the opposite end of the bed. I sigh as i hear a small whimper escape her mouth. I push my leg over hers and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her back into me.

"It's not that i don't want too, i just want you to be sure. We need to talk tomorrow, ok? Get some sleep babe."

She doesn't say anything, i feel her head move slightly, whether it was a nod or just getting comfortable, i don't know. I don't know a lot right now but i do know my best friend, my ill best friend just kissed me and meant it.

This is about to get all whole lot more complicated...

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