Chapter Ten

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Kimberley's POV:

"Kimba? Kimba wake up"

I groan but force myself to open my eyes where Cheryl is stood fully clothed above me.

"Hey, where you going?"

"You slept in, it's dinnertime. Just going out, i might be back a little late"

"How come? Where are you going Cheryl?"

"Just out"

She turns her back to me to go but i sit up and pull her hand back.

"You're rubbish at lying Cheryl"

"Fine, i just wanted to go out and get you something as a thank you"

"Aw Chez, you don't have to"

"But i want too, please Kimba? I'm going to meet up with Nadine and we're going for something to eat afterwards"

"Ok but just call if you need me? Promise?"

"I promise"

She smiles happily before kissing my cheek then running off. Aslong as she's not alone, everything's going to be fine.

A few hours later, i text Cheryl to make sure she's ok but she replies with a simple 'Fine x' but i brush it off knowing if anything was to happen, Nadine would ring so it sit back and wait for Nicola to arrive.


I hear her scouse accent fill my flat before she appears in the kitchen.

"Hey, where's Cheryl?"

"She's out with Nadine, she wanted to get me something as a thank you. Bless her"

"Aw are you both ok after last night?"

"Not gonna lie Nicola, it scared the hell out of me. She seemed happy this morning, like it never happened"

"Do you think she would have gone through with it?"

"Last week, no i really thought we could work past it but now i keep telling myself she wouldn't and i really want to believe it but i can't"

I feel tears build up in my eyes, threatening to roll down my cheeks.

"Aw Kimba"

Nicola pulls me into a warm hug, understanding how hard it's becoming.

"Let's get sorted with this doctor, he's due round any minute now. Come on, she can do this"

I nod as Nicola takes the cup of tea i made her and leads me into the room. Just as we sit down, there's a knock at the door and Nicola goes to answer it.

All i have to do is be honest and tell him what happened. If i don't then i'm not only letting myself down but Cheryl too.

"Hi, Kimberley is it?"

"Yeah hi"

He shakes my hand before taking a seat opposite me.

"I'm Doctor Green, i'm here to discuss Cheryl, yeah?"

I nod as he pulls out a voice recorder and pen and paper.

"Ok, basically i just want you to tell me everything. Right from when and how you found out till the last time you saw her"

"Okay, so..."

"...Then once we talked it through, she seemed relaxed and like she hadn't been sat there the past five minutes wanting or contemplating to jump"

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