Chapter Fifteen

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Kimberley's POV

"Chez! Oh god woah!"

I look down to see a pool of sick, sinking it's way through my leggings. Nadine helps Cheryl up and rushes her to the bathroom while Nicola gets me a towel to wipe it up, gagging from the smell.

"I'll just go and change, take that water in for Cheryl please"

I run upstairs as fast as i can and change my bottoms before racing back downstairs and into the bathroom. Cheryl has her head in the toilet and Nadine's holding her hair back, she seems to have stopped being sick.

"How long has she stopped being sick for?"

"About a minute"

"Thanks Nads"

I let her get up and out while i kneel beside her.

"Hold on, yeah?"

I wrap her arm round my shoulders and help her up, Nicola is already pulling the covers off my bed to help her in. Sarah has a bucket and glass of water beside it aswell just in case. I lay her down, leaving the covers off her and placing a cold towel across her head.

"Get some sleep, okay? There's a bucket beside the bed and just shout if you need anything?"

"Can you stay Kimba?"

"I'll come back, ok? I'll just be two minutes"

She nods, allowing herself to finally turn over and shut her eyes. I follow the girls back into the room, shutting the bedroom door behind me.

"Jesus Christ i really feel for you Kimba! Having to deal with all that for the next three weeks?!"

Both Nadine and Nicola shoot Sarah a look but she quickly tries to justify herself.

"No i didn't mean like that, i just meant she's a mess and well obviously we're all here for you both but yeah sorry"

"It's ok, i understand"

I smile as she nods.

"I better get back"

"Yeah, we'll leave you for a while. Call if you need anything, yeah?"

"Thanks girls, think i'll just clean up"

I see them out before checking on Cheryl who looks to be asleep but i have no clue how long that will last.

Cheryl's POV:


"Hey, you're Cheryl right?"


"I'm Ashley"

"Yeah i know"


"Sorry i've got to go"

"That's fine, see you around"

He flashes me a smile as i curse Nicola for shouting me to leave, i'll definitely be seeing him around but he is a footballer, i've seen the stories maybe he isn't such a good idea.




"It's me, Ashley. I thought Sarah had given me the wrong number"

"Ashley i said no for a reason"

"I know but you haven't even given me a chance yet. Come on, one dinner?"

"I don't know"

"Cheryl come on, please?"

"Fine, one dinner. Text me the details seen as though you now have my number which i'll kill Sarah for"

"Ok, bye Cheryl"



"I know we haven't been together for ages and ages but i've never been so sure about it in my life and it seems crazy just stood here in this desert and you're probably all hot and annoyed but basically- god i didn't think i'd be this nervous.

Cheryl will you do me the honour of becoming my wife, will you marry me?"

"Oh my god, oh my god YES!"

He stands up as i jump into his arms not even giving him the chance to put the ring on my finger. I'm actually getting married.


Once we finally wipe away the tears from the vows we've just read out, we turn back to the vicar.

"Ashley, do you take Cheryl Ann Tweedy to be your wedded wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her in sickness and in health, remaining faithful to her as long as you both shall live?"

"I do"

"Cheryl, do you take Ashley Cole to be your wedded husband? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him in sickness and in health, remaining faithful to him as long as you both shall live?"

"I do"

"Then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride"

Kimberley's POV:

I sit down for the first time without having Cheryl throwing up or crying on me, just as i let my self fall back into the cushions, i feel my eyes close until i hear a loud moan coming from the bedroom.


I jump up and go into the bedroom to see her tossing and turning in the covers, a frown on her face.

"Cheryl babe, wake up? Come on hunny"

I sit beside her on the bed as tears roll from the corners of her closed eyes.

"Cheryl! CHEZ!"

I shout, starting to shake her now. She opens her eyes wide taking a deep breath before bursting into tears. I go through the usual routine of taking her in my arms and letting her cry it out.

"Bad dream?"

She nods weakly, trying to calm herself down.

"What about babe?"

"Him. Ashley. We had just met then we got married then he did those things. He slept with those-"

She bursts into a fresh load of tears and to be perfectly honest i don't know whether to be happy about it or sad. I don't want to see her crying over a dream but was it really a good idea letting her see Ashley anyway?

That's another thing that's going to have to be sorted but not before Cheryl's better. She's my priority. She's my responsibility.

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