Chapter Fifty

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Cheryl's POV:

"Cheryl?" Hilary says hesitantly but once i open my arms for a hug, she wraps me up in her arms.

"I've been so worried about you honey. God, let me look at you." Taking my face in her hands, she looks at me sadly.

"I'm ok, it's been tough but i've had my girls with me."

"Shall we sit down?"


"So i'll release this tomorrow morning?"

We've just wrote the statement. It's pretty short and simple, just how i wanted it. 'Due to personal issues, Cheryl has been taking a time out but should make a comeback happier and healthier later in the year.'

"Yeah, no going back now."

"You're doing the right thing sweetie. I'll see you soon and concentrate on getting better! You're doing so well." Giving Hilary another hug, i appreciate her words but the anxiety of the statement is getting too much.

I feel Kimberley's hand slide into me, obviously having seen the panic on my face and instantly i feel better. I can do this with her by my side.


The next morning, Hilary phoned to say the statement has been released to the public and there's no massively negative comments, just people wishing me the best and the odd unfair comment.

It's out in the open now.

No going back, only forward.


Kimberley's POV:

Two whole weeks of happiness.

There's been no tears and tantrums, only smiles and the odd little panic but nothing we couldn't control.

Cheryl's returning back to her old self and today we're taking her out again.

"Ready babe?"

"Yeah, where are we going?"

"It's a surprise!"

"No Kimba, tell me please!" She whines and she attaches her arms around my neck.

"No, my lips are sealed! Come on, we have somewhere to be." She kisses me quick before moving under my arms then pulling me out the door.


"Here we are!"

"This is what we're doing?" We all burst out laughing at the unimpressed look on Cheryl's face.

"Come on, it's a bit of fun!"

"Fun?! It's hurts!" She moans, looking at the little paint balling forest infront of us.

"This isn't your only surprise!"

"It isn't?"

"No, come on. We've gotta go get kitted up then we'll show you."

Once we're finally full wrapped up and protected, we open the front door of the small building we're changing in to Cheryl to show lots of friends and family, also ready for the paint balling.

"Oh my god, they're doing it too?!"

"Yeah! We thought you might not mind as much being pelted by friends and family, rather than complete strangers!" She screams in happiness and jumps into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist.

"OW! WHAT THE?!" She suddenly screams, getting out of my arms and looking at the paint ball that's been shot against her backside.

"LET'S GO!" Sarah shouts, looking as smug as ever after she's just shot Cheryl making everyone laugh.

"I'm gonna kill her!"

"Come on, let's get running."


"Can we just hide here forever?!"

"No, come on."

"Wait, i just want to say thank you so much for doing this. I couldn't have done these past few weeks without you." I don't reply, i just pull her on to my lap as i sit on the leaves and kiss her softly before suddenly being pelted by paintballs making us both groan in pain and pull away being met by the girls.

"It's a good job we caught you and nobody else!" Nicola says, laughing.

"And you couldn't just give us a little tap and tell us to stop, you have to bruise us internally!"

"Such a drama queen! We give you ten seconds to run then we're after you both." Cheryl immediately scrambles up and legs it, making us all burst into laughter before i follow her. Sarah's high pitched screams echo through the forest as she chases us, none of us being able to catch our breath for laughing so much.


Cheryl's POV:

"That was so much fun, thank you all for today."

"My pleasure, we're a bit late back. You going to be ok?"

"Yeah, i'll see you tomorrow?"

"Sure will, night babe." She kisses me a few times before climbing back into the car and waving as i make my way back into the place i've been calling home the past few months.


"Babe, we've got a meeting with Rebecca this morning."

"We have? Why?"

"On my way up, she shouted for us to come down when you're ready."

"Ok, give me a few minutes." Reaching over i give Kimba a quick kiss before leaving her to entertain Marley while i go and finish getting ready.


"Morning girls." Rebecca cheerfully says as me, Kimberley and the girls all load into her office, Marley also in my arms.

"Take a seat, Marley's getting bigger, isn't he?!"

"I know, i want him to stay small forever though!"

"Aw, he's lush! Anyway down to business!"

"Yeah?" She can't seem to hide the huge smile plastered on her face.

"Me and your doctor was speaking yesterday, we've noticed the huge change in you. You're so much better, you never seem to get yourself in a state anymore, you cooperate with the doctor well."


"So we're letting you go... you can go home Cheryl."

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