Chapter 7- You're late!

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So far I've been updating every 2 days so let's see if I can stick to that routine ;)

   'Maya your late as usual' was the first thing the girls heard when they entered there classroom.
'Thanks for stating the obvious Matthews' Maya replied head up walking to her seat.
'And...Riley?! You're late too' he stated the obvious again this time shocked at his daughters tardiness.
'And you were with...' Mr Matthews started when Riley didn't answer. 'You' he pointed at Maya narrowing his eyes at her in a suspicious tone.
'Me' Maya imitated his actions amusing herself.
       He ran to the back where Maya was seated and left Riley stood still not having said a word. He slapped his hands on her desk
'You corrupting my daughter'
'Oh that innocent little ball of sunshine' Maya nodded her head towards Riley and Riley smiled at this perception of herself. 'Not possible Matthews she's all good'
'If she's all good but late what does that mean' he said to her.
'It means I'm the all bad to balance it out' Maya shrugged twisting her face into a 'can't help it' expression and glancing at Riley who was moving from the doorway.
          Riley was now seated at the front of the class 'so what now' she asked looking back at her dad and Maya.
'Maya here has detention and you... You do too' he said rather regretfully.
'Dad you can't do that I've never had detention before it will go on my permanent record.' Riley would still have been later if it meant she could kiss Maya some more but she didn't think about the consequences. However detention would really suck either way.
'I'm sorry Riley I have no...'
'I'll take her detention' Maya suddenly volunteered earning a few audible gasps and mutters from her fellow classmates
'I don't think it works like that Maya'  their teacher stated.
Riley smiled at Maya silently thanking her for her efforts but when Maya saw the way she looked so upset about it she wanted to fix it after all she was the one who dragged Riley away from class in the first place.
'Why not??' Maya tried and before Riley's dad could get a word in she continued with her argument
'I was the one who 'corrupted' your daughter' Maya smirked at that thought whilst using the his own words against him 'So I can take responsibility right?'
'You take responsibility' Mr Matthews chuckled a little, this was very strange behaviour from Maya.
'Yep' she spoke popping the 'p'
'Okay well I guess I can't stop you' he said raising his hands up in defeat.
'Maya you can't do that' Riley finally interjected.
'You can't stop me' a couple of 'ohhh' could be heard from the people around.
'Good point' Riley surrendered, there was no way she was going to argue with the blonde. And mouthed 'thank you' to Maya as her dad begun teaching once again. 

After class
'You know you didn't have to do that' Riley spoke catching up to Maya as students filed into the hallway.
'Ah you can always make it up to me' Maya winked causing Riley to blush. Then they separated from each other to go to there next classes.


     Maya found detention utterly boring. She found herself amusing herself with a paper ball and a trash can. The teacher taking detention today had left Maya in the room trusting she wouldn't leave 'what an idiot.' Maya laughed to herself.
         Maya thought it was a stupid idea for her to be trusted to not run away however she wouldnt anyway. She didn't have much to go home too and detention just filled the time. As Maya daydreamed she hadn't noticed Riley entering the room.
'Hey' Riley whisper shouted in Maya's ear after sneaking up to the side of her.
'Jesus riles you scared the shit outta me' Maya held her hand to her chest to control her irregular breathing.
'Sorry peaches' Riley said whilst still laughing then taking a seat. 'Thought you were all fearless though...that not true?' Riley challenge raising an eyebrow.
       Maya just straightened out her jacket and said the words 'shut up'
'What are you doing??' The blonde asked after Riley after didn't acknowledge the words she had just spoken.
'Keeping you company' Riley half smiled 'you stopped my perfect record from being scratched so it's the least I could do' she said
'You'll get into trouble' Maya argued.
'What are they gonna do give me detention...I'm already here...voluntarily.' Both girls laughed.
'Your a little crazy you know that.'Maya spoke making the brunette smile and pose... 'I like it' Maya whispered.

Might actually post next chapter tomorrow as I've finished it and only making a few corrections!you never know... 😜Thanks for reading peoples!

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