Chapter 33- Give her a chance

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Okay so I know it's been forever guys and for that I'm sorry. But i recently got back into writing this ... soooooooo ... here's the next chapter.
When Riley walked in she could still hear the echo of laughter in her head imitating Maya' s voice. The girl seems to have no sympathy for her and instead just wandered down the corridor blowing her a kiss and wishing her luck.

Her father immediately piped up.
"Hey hunny where ya been??"

"Just study group" she quickly said smiling before trying to casually walk to her room. She hated lying to her dad but at this point it wasn't the worst thing she's done.

"Where you going??" He said much to Rileys dismay. Riley instinctively pulled her hair round to cover her neck and began to fiddle with it.

"Umm to my room?" She spoke stopping and looking at her father.

."You don't wanna sit, tell us about your day?" He asked. I mean it is one of the things Riley loved to do but things were changing... a lot of things.

"You mean my day that is constantly being watched by you any way so you can interfere with my life? No thanks" Riley didn't mean for it to come out so snarky but what did he expect he is her teacher and he is stopping her from seeing maya. Well... failing at stopping her because of Maya's sneaky ways.
"Hey!" Topanga butted in "that's no way to talk to your father what's gotten into you?" She asked turning from the fridge she was currently looking in for dinner.
'Maya' Riley thought.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to come out like that but dad is controlling my life" she said instead. Throughout this exchange Corey stared dumbfounded at what he had heard. They however, just continued talking about him like he wasn't there.

"How so?" Her mother looked genuinely intrigued at her daughter's insinuation.

"Mum you know what's going on he's stopping me from seeing my-g-my Maya friend ... Maya." She cursed herself for stuttering so much but she wasn't used to this. How was she suppose to talk about the blonde beauty?

"For your own good Riley" she spoke rather annoyed.
"Mum! You're on his side?!" She yelled pointing towards her father. This meant that Corey had already spoken to Topanga about the situation which means she only knows his side of it. Great so now her mum is against her too.

"I don't know sweetie I'm kind of stuck here" she shrugged apologetically looking between two of her favourite people.

"You haven't even heard my side" Riley spoke a matter of factly.

Topanga made a face and thought for a second
"Okay Riley" she said more calmly this time "Tell me about her. Why you want to be her friend? And why you're dad is in the wrong" Riley was shocked. I mean her mother was the understanding one and had always been her voice of reason. But up until now she had stayed out of it, no doubt listening to her father rant after she had gone to bed.
"Okay..." but all Riley could think about was how Maya would be here soon. She would understand I mean this is in her favour.
Topanga gestures to the table where her father currently sat at the head of and Riley followed the action.
Once sat down Topanga followed and interlocked her fingers together and made a 'go on then' face while saying
"Start" and waiting.

"Okay... well" God how Riley wished she had prepared for this. She pulled at her hair again just to be sure that this conversation would not be interrupted by one of them noticing the steamy mark on her neck.

Her mother gave her another look and Riley spoke.
"Okay so ... well ... he has no right to tell me who I can't be friends with" she started strong.

"He can if he thinks his little girl is in danger" Topanga interrupted raising an eyebrow at her daughter's presumably unclear perception.
"Mum!!" Riley whined rolling her eyes.
"What?" She simply asked back.

"I'm almost an adult and as much as he doesn't want to hear it I'm ready to make my own decision and I'm not gonna stay his little girl forever ... I'm sorry" Riley spoke quite sad herself at that fact "and you said you'd listen to me...I've said one sentence" She held up one finger irritated once again.

"Okay Riley you'll always be his little girl in his mind ... but you got it no more interruption I'll listen to everything you have to say okay..." She held her hand out and lightly grabbed Rileys hand in support.

"Am I involved in this conversation" Corey piped up.
"No!" they simultaneously spoke both turning thier heads to look at him disaprovingly.
"It's about you not to you" Topanga touched his arm lightly and gave an award winning smile aswell.
So he sat back and listened too.

"Okay I understand the whole danger thing but Maya isn't dangerous" Corey scoffed, folding his arms and looking away. Riley just side-eyed him and carried on
"She isn't Mum. She really isn't. I really think I'm getting through to her mum. You always taught me to believe in people and although she's done some bad I know Maya is good at heart ... you can be a good person who does bad things you just - you just need to have someone there to help you get rid of the bad. Mum I can be that person I really care about her-this" Riley got emotional ... "She really is something mum the way She talks and moves is different when she's around me she's not like how everyone says she is, she's just a little troubled and I believe I'm making her better"  She wanted to tell them that she was gonna be Mayas girlfriend one day and that what they were doing was know not what friends do. She wanted to boast about her beautiful smile her voice, the way She moves... but for now she spoke as Riley trying to guide Maya away from all the bad and to her (the good)
"Wow ...riley you really care about this girl..." Topanga said a little bit suspicious "Why?" She asked genuinely interested.
"Mum I she's so I just ..." Riley stopped talking she wanted so desperately to tell her mother she had fallen for Maya to have that 'I like this boy' conversation but about a girl ... Her girl but she couldn't and she definately couldn't with her dad right there.
"I understand" Topanga said unfolding her hands and getting up
"You do?" Riley spoke standing up excitedly
"You do?" Corey spoke after, standing hurriedly to stop this from happening
"I do" Topanga answered.

"You're a good girl Riley...I know you won't be corrupted so easily and I trust you... I don't mind you being friends with this girl but if I so much as hear that she has made you do something bad or has done anything bad to you I'm out and I'm with your father in the situation" wow her mother was being a lot more understanding than she was few weeks ago ... however Topanga had no idea the kind of trouble Riley has already been in because of Maya.

Riley couldn't complain . .. it was more understanding than her father had given her
"Thank you so much mum" she smiled widely and tried to run round the table to hug her but corey held his hand out.

"No!" Corey was done listening "Topanga nooo" he whined "I admit even I was almost convinced but honey you haven't been tortured by this girl for years like I have, come on Riley you can't do this" he begged his daughter, he was acting as if Maya had tried to kill him, it was very dramatic.
"Tortured? Corey you're so dramatic" she almost laughed.
"That's nothing mum you know he's been stopping me from seeing her" Riley added. She needed more information how much did her mum know.

"I did know that hunny and I understood why I still do but I also understand that you should be allowed to make you're own decisions-"
"Topanga!" She held a finger up to her husband.
"Or mistakes but as long as you think you can handle it and if things go the other way you don't mind hearing I told you so ... then" she shrugged to indicate that she was fine with it.

"Tooangaaaa" Corey whined again
She held her finger firmly saying "ah!"
"Then you go for it Riley" She smiled
"Really mum" She smiled hopefully then when her mother nodded her head she ran round the table to hug her,this time succeeding.

"This does not change my mind Riley" Corey stormed off absolutely astonished that his wife took his daughters side and would let her put herself in such danger.
She looked up at her mother
"He'll come around" she spoke softly
"I dunno mum ... I really don't" she hummed into the hug.

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