Chapter 11- No Commitment

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Decided to put the 2 chapters I had written into 1 as they seemed too short so sorry for delay but here it is!

Riley and Maya's 6:45am cutesy time didn't last long after she caught riley and they fell back laughing on her bed because at that moment Riley asked
'What are we doing?' Whilst sighing as their laughter died out.
'Riley why do you need to put a label on this' Maya responded a sigh escaping her lips aswell because she knew exactly what Riley was getting at.
'I dunno' She replied staring at my ceiling.
'Can't I just...' Maya began before grabbing Riley's hand and interlocking their fingers.
'Be here...with you' they continued to stare at the ceiling Riley's eyes only moved when she felt Maya loosen her hand. Riley tightened her grip instantly and looked at Maya.

The blonde was still smiling at the brunette before she heard the words
'Yes' Riley's smile was so genuine however a certain sadness had found its way out in her words causing Maya to frown.
'You don't like the idea'
'I don't like hiding peaches, not knowing what something is scares me' Maya inwardly smiled at the nickname and then answered
'I'm sorry'
'Don't be. Your not ready I won't push...besides this hasn't been happening for long so who knows if it will last' Riley spoke without realising the damage it had done to Maya.

Riley's eyes widened and she sat up to Maya who was now standing at the end of her bed after shooting you herself.

'You don't think this will's barely begun and your already thinking of the end' Maya whisper shouted remembering her parents asleep down the hall.
'That's not what I meant I just meant if there's no commitment...'
Maya cut her off
'I know what you meant and I won't let that happen'
'Let what happen'
'Let someone else have you'
'I'm not something you can own'

At this point Maya advanced towards Riley and held her by the hips
'I get what I want remember' she smirked all of her soft side suddenly crumbling against her tough exterior.
'I don't like you when y-your like this' Riley choked out fear falling out of every stutter.
'Riley I don't understand these feelings but I'm acting on them' she looked angry like she was going to do something she'd regret.
'I don't like you when your like this' Riley repeated.
Maya looked down after averting her eyes from Riley's sad ones. Everything had gone bad so fast this is why she can't be with her she knows she's too demanding too aggressive too Maya. She can't help it, it was how she was raised.

The blonde stared at her girl in silence. Her girl who was sacred of her. Her girl who had minutes before lured her into a trap of playful fights and interlocking hands. She shook her head and looked at Riley before loosening her grip.
'I'm so sorry sunshine' Maya brought her hand up too Riley's then she removed the hair from her face feeling nothing but shame. She looked away from Riley.
Maya resisted when Riley held her chin and directed her to look in her eyes. And she smiled a little knowing Riley wasn't mad but...this wasn't right
Maya realised she had gone soft and instantly let go off Riley pushing her away.
'This is why I can't be with you?' Maya wasn't able to look at Riley's eyes...her beautiful brown eyes.

'I shouldn't have come here...your mum almost caught me I almost...'
'You almost nothing peaches' Riley stood moving towards Maya.' Why can't we be together?' the brunette had faith in people she wasn't going to give up just because of a little scare. She believed Maya was insecure and she wanted that insecure specimen to feel okay around her. Infact she just wanted that insecure specimen full stop.

'Because...because this' Maya indicated between her and Riley before continuing 'look what you do to me'

'I don't...' Riley began but Maya ignored the interruption and said
'you- you make me weak Riley...that right there' she gestured to the room 'was playful, fun all sappy and romantic... I DONT DO THAT' she emphasised the last three words to get her point across clearly
'No one can see you here peaches it's just me' Riley made a valid point to the rebel.
'Don't call me that...look at me I'm a mess. Look what I just did to want that??' Maya questioned expecting the answer to be a profound 'no'
Riley opened her mouth and said said exact words she was expecting to hear 'no' but the words were followed by a 'but you're not like that'
'Yes I am!' Maya shouted was becoming frustrated 'don't you get it this is what I do, I hurt people, I hurt them if they don't do what I say and I-I don't want that for you' the rebel hesitated knowing what she was about to throw away.
Riley remained silent and tried to touch Maya face but she stepped back and regained her posture
'I want you... God I want to be with you so bad' Maya looked at Riley regretfully 'but even me saying that is weak and I'm NOT weak. I don't even know why you make me feel these things Riley'
'I know you're not weak Maya and...' Riley got very close to Maya with a new found confidence and spoke 'you can't hide your emotions for ever... I like fun playful peaches but I also like badass Maya and you know why... because they're both you. We kiss so what... We act cute so what... I won't tell if you don't' Riley tried.
Maya had believed her and hugged Riley so tight. Her eyes Sprung open however when she realised what she was doing once again and she pushed the brunette of of her.
This earned an 'ouff' from Riley and a confused look.
'No...ill hurt you Riley, I won't set this up to hurt you at first it was fun and games teasing you and leaving you notes but it's becoming to real now I WONT hurt you' Maya said.
Riley forgot about her image of princess sunshine, she forgot about the fear she once had for Maya and she moved back towards the girl. She grabbed her hips pulled her inwards her and looked Maya dead in the eyes tightening her grip.
'No way are you leaving now not after what you've put me through. I like you Maya and I can handle getting hurt which I know you won't do. You cannot just lead me on then leave. Got it'. Riley even surprised herself but never the less stood her ground and waited for a reply
Maya gulped. ' well you umm you suddenly got haha confident.' Maya wasn't used to not being in control and she didn't like it. 'I'm not who you want me to be Riley' she stated regretfully.
'I don't care peaches' Riley argued. Maya needed to put it simply to understand so then this happened
'We exist'
'We like kissing eachother'
'We like eachother'
'You're willing to risk getting hurt'
'You're willing to risk your reputation so yeah I guess'
'My reputation... You know it all kinda just seems stupid when I'm with you' Maya said truthfully.
'Looks like the sappy romantic you is back.' Maya almost pushed Riley away but then realised Riley was right about one thing. No one was here why would she keep up her act. She wants Riley and she gets what she wants if that meant acting a little different when there alone then she could do that.

'Yeah only for you though sunshine' Maya said sighing in relief at the argument dying down.

'We don't have a label' Riley said 'I can live with that as long as...' Riley's reign of confidence continued as she leaned in to initiate a kiss rather than Maya oh so seductively making the first move.
There lips were inches apart when 'beep beep' 'beep beep' Riley's alarm halted their actions.
'Get out' Riley ordered without acknowledging what was about to happen.
'What??' Maya said confused and a little annoyed that she was left disappointed.
'No lips' Maya said pouting at Riley. Maya's other side was really showing at this point but Riley didn't have time to enjoy it.
'Nope my parents will be in any minute to make sure I'm awake' Riley began ushering Maya to the window.
'They really hate me don't they' Maya's signature smirk covered her face once again showing that her disproval made her proud.
'They don't know you like I do' Riley said 'they don't know the' Riley began to be over dramatic.
'Sweet' Maya's face scrunched
'Adoring' her thoughts were of everything bad
'Person you are' Maya started to laugh understanding her girls actions were to wind her up. Her girl. Maya thinks it has a nice ring to it but then a voice in her head screamed 'no commitment!' And that voice was hers. Son Maya settled for a
'You're funny' Then scoffed and Riley nodded her head returning to the blonde after her dramatic episode.
'Now leave I must lie to my parents for the sake of there heads not blowing up at the sight of you' she held her hand to her head and looked off into the distance as if it were a typical romance novel.
'Whatever dork' Maya scoffed a slight chuckle escaping her lips.
Riley almost replied with 'yes but I'm your dork peaches' but refrain as that may give Maya the wrong impression. Instead she settled for a 'well you should probably leave this dorks home before I infect you and you lose all your cool Cred'
'Yeah yeah' the blonde rolled her eyes. Maya was midway through climbing out the window when suddenly they heard a click and Riley's door burst open...

Okay maybe the chapter is too long now...I don't know. Anyway Maybe Maya will get caught after all? I wonder how that will go down? Hope you enjoyed 😜

Rilaya- She doesn't like me at all Where stories live. Discover now