Chapter- 35 Too far?

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I have no explanation as to why this took so long besides life just getting in the way and I am sorryyyy. But y'all are actually so patient ...enjoy.

Nothing happened. Of course they made out passionately, fought for dominance and groped eachother every chance they got but nothing else happened.
Not out lack of trying though. Riley let her lust for Maya consume her. The idea that she was being pulled to the dark side and letting her desire to be free made Riley feel... bad but not bad as in bad...bad as in good. This innocent little flower felt incredibly good kissing Maya, feeling her, moaning because of her yet she couldn't feel a shred of guilt in that moment.

Letting Maya's hands touch her body and letting Maya kiss and bite at her neck and letting Maya persuade her with just a light whisper in her ear and a nibble at her earlobe.
But that's as far as it got and not because Riley stopped them but because Maya did. Or more she stopped herself since Riley was happy to just carry on.

She pulled away from Riley
"Riles I'm really happy" Riley had to take a moment to breathe and leave lust mode before settling down.
"Peaches.." she looked adoringly into her face and cupped her cheek
"I'm really happy too" before leaning up to furiously kiss the girl again. But Maya pulled away ...again.

As painfully difficult as it was to deny Riley she pulled away and spoke
"Which is why I don't want to screw this up" she pecked the girl's lips and pulled away further before laying down beside the brunette and grasping her hands.
They both kind of just breathed heavily for a moment
"We weren't going that far Maya you don't need to worry" Riley tried to settle the girl's fear.

"I know but ... it's further than you've gone before right?" She hesitantly asked this. I mean she didn't want to assume anything but Riley isn't exactly sexed up and ready to go. Well not before Maya was in the picture anyway.
"Have you ever seen me walk casually into class with 4 hickeys on my neck" Riley laughed a little also making a jab at how this was a rather regular occurrance for the blonde teen layed down beside her.

"Well" Maya actually felt a little bit embarrassed. She never tried to hide them but somehow Riley bringing it up left her with a not so good feeling.
"Yeah so" she shrugged.
"Riley you don't have to ... do anything . .. just because it's me you know" Maya really wanted to get that through to her. She wanted to cherish Riley and actually be with her not just a one night fling with some chick she met from a random school on the west side.

"I know" Riley traced shaped along the back of Maya's hand as they both stared up at the ceiling, still talking lightly now and occasionally glances a one another

"Good" she hummed in relief.
"Why do you feel the need to tell me that Maya" Riley spoke up after few minutes.
"Because well.. . Because" Maya kind of stuttered even wondering that herself. She knew Riley wouldn't do anything she didnt want to but she still didn't want to pressure her in any way either.
"Because you're you?" Riley asked.
"Well ...yeah" Maya half smiled knowing that was exactly the reason. She is Maya, this isn't natural for her. so why wouldn't she worry ...she is Maya.

"Maya I trust you and you have to trust me, that if I decide to do anything with you, that's my choice. It will be because I want to not because I feel I have too ... I just know from previous experience, including now, that we can get a little carried away" Riley was being her whole honest true self while she spoke to Maya and she continued "think about it though you stopped... I didn't have to stop you ... what are you so afraid of?" She asked her voice genuine and her face full of concern for the blue eyed girl infront of her.

"I-I don't know I'm just-its so- its not me! I don't know how this works because I respect you so much and as much as I want to tear your clothes off I also want to cuddle you and protect you and do all that cute shit and I don't want to ... I don't know tarnish your good soul and if I was ever in any situation like this it always led to some pretty umm not so pretty stuff, and you're you and you're so pure and-" Maya rambled on which just made Riley smile at how much the girl infront of her felt and how safe and good she was trying to be for her.
So Riley stopped her. The only way she knew how kissing her.

She moved forward and caught the rambling girl's lips with her own, shocking her back to reality. She didn't let it get far though and after the simple kiss she pulled away
"Maya... calm down" she cupped the girl's face "take a breath, it's okay I understand" Riley smiled wide at her which only caused Maya to blush and look away.

The rest of the night they spent talking about thier feelings, laughing about stupid shit and just being in eachothers company. They only stopped whenever they heard a noise and eventually Riley just blasted music to cover up the sound of their voices.
Tonight couldn't be more perfect in thier eyes infact the only thing that would make it even more perfect was if they didn't have to sneak around and be so secretive.

One day Riley told herself. One day

Rilaya- She doesn't like me at all Where stories live. Discover now