Chapter 36- Lets get to class

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"I missed you"

"You saw me last night" Maya rolled her eyes.
"Yeah so? That was like 10 hours ago Maya" Riley threw her hands up jokingly annoyed. They had wandered down the street in comfortable silence after meeting a few blocks away from their house the next morning.

The little dramatic burst of energy caused Maya to smile widely and shake her head lightly.
She ended up just grabbing Riley's wrists and pulling her in for a light kiss but Riley wrapped her arms around her neck causing Maya to smile into the kiss and wrap her arms around the girls waist tightly. The kiss lasted a while but it wasn't heated it was just light and calming and they sunk into it.

They pulled apart but remained close thier foreheads touching and their mouths releasing a sigh of comfort.

"Hey careful there we're not that far from your house what if someone sees" Maya seemed entirely too panicked in comparison to Riley.
Which was weird considering Riley is the one who needs this relationship of sorts to stay on the down low. Yet there was barely a twitch of concern in Rileys eyes.

"Relax my dad's already at school, the street is ours peaches" Riley moved her head away to look across at all the tall buildings surrounding them.
"Come on let's go" Riley grabbed her hand and started running excitedly towards the subway.
They could finally just be together. Hold hands, kiss and just be close without a care or worry that wandering eyes might catch them in the act.

"Hey slow down!" Maya yelled over the sound of traffic, loud people and car horns "Damn no-one should be this excited about school" Maya scrunched her eyebrows in confusion but once the girl turned back to look at her and she saw Riley's big bright smile she gave up fighting and just smiled back.
Letting herself get dragged along she just smiled... genuinely happy.


Walking from the subway to school the girls held hands happily strolling to school. It wasn't weird, it wasn't uncomfortable, it was okay.

Once they were about a block away they instinctively let go and just continued talking and teasing eachother.
Neither one of them acknowledged this but It was ok ... they were still happy.

"Hey Riley over here!" When they entered the school the first voice they heard was that of a strange looking genius who waved her over to him.

"Hey Farkley, how you doing" the way Riley rubbed his head while saying this you'd think she was interacting with a puppy. But Farkle didn't seem to mind in fact Maya could have sworn she saw the boy shaking his leg happily.
She just shook her head as if shaking the image from her head and laughed mentally.

"I'm good and you seem happy ... with Maya?" Farkle didn't do to well at hiding his discomfort at the sight of Maya dangerously close to his innocent little best friend. 
Maya couldn't help it but she did return the boys Judging eyes with blunt look of annoyance.

"Yep" Riley piped up trying to break the weird tension that had enveloped the two. Honestly she wasn't sure what else to say because it was true she was happy and she was with Maya and although Farkle was weary of this she couldn't exactly point out the elephant in the room. That would mean confrontation which is not something Riley deals with well ... then again it didnt seem like any of them were going to acknowledge it.
This might be awkward Riley thought.

"Let's get to class" she smiled and skipped off. Farkle and Maya gave eachother a somewhat threatening look towards one another before following the bright eyed girl towards their class.

Once they reached the door Riley turned to Maya "ummm we can't" she started.
"It's okay I got it babe when am I ever on time anyway" Riley's eyes widened at the term 'babe' used so casually infront of Farkle who only gave her a strange look.

Maya gave a strained I'm sorry look then walked away from the pair.
"Babe?" Farkle questioned as they walked through the door and towards their seats
"Yeah girls call eachother that all the time Farkle it's no big deal" Riley laughed nervously and Farkle just nodded half believing her.

Riley noticed this but ignored it and Farkle continued
"Yeah but Maya calling you babe I dunno Riley it seems-"
"FARKLE haha keep it down she just friendly is all" Riley's voice got more and more quiet as her dad approached Rikeys desk.
She motioned her eyes towards her father and smiled widely at Farkle trying to hint to him that he was coming.
He got the hint.
"Hey hunny, farkle" he address them both.
"Mr Matthew's" Riley said crossing her arms and looking away as if she was child having a tantrum.
"Riley" he tried again.
"Hmm" she turned away again.
"Riley you cant still ne mad about-"

"What's up Matthews" a voice strolled in from behind him.

"Maya" he spoke with a slight harshness in his tone.

"Awww dont be mad technically I'm on time" she joked not phase by his anger.

"You're 3 minutes late" he checked the clock and crossed his arms still stood infront of Rileys desk.

"Yes" she agreed throwing her bag under her desk and sitting down "but I'm usually 10 so for me ... its early" she said smugly earning few chuckles across the class being Riley. Maya secretly praised herself for that one.

Corey looked at Riley who just kind of sunk into her seat avoiding eye contact.

Rilaya- She doesn't like me at all Where stories live. Discover now