Chapter 20- The Challenge.

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Hey guys it's tomorrrow so here's the next chapter... 😜

Maya was sat on the fire escape leaned up against Rileys window awaiting the girl's arrival. She had been like this for 10 minutes and wondered if Riley was suddenly getting cold feet but she'd wait for her none the less ... she's the only one she'd wait for.

'You can't do this!' SLAM!
Maya perked up at the noise and turned to watch the seen unfold before her.

The face behind the voice was Riley and as soon as the door was slammed shut it was opened again.
'Look what she's doing to you already' Topanga yelled still in shock from what she had heard.

'She?' Maya whispered to herself 'oh they must be talking about me.' She nodded understanding Topangas anger.

'She isn't doing anything to me, you're the one causing this!' Riley shot back at her mother whose eyes widened in disbelief.

'You mean to tell me this attitude isn't because of your new friend' Topanga crossed her arms
'No.' Riley said 'why do you hate her so much?' Riley questioned in frustration then took a seat on her bed.

Outside Maya payed even more attention than before, even she was curious as to what the answer would be...she had ideas.

'Have you been unconscious for your entire school life Riley...' Her father trailed in after hearing the risen voices. 'That girl is trouble, she's always been trouble and she'll get you into trouble' she pointed at Riley after waving her hands frantically in the air but before she could continue Corey interrupted

'Alright Topanga' he cautiously grabbed her shoulders lightly 'I'll take it from here'  he calmly spoke.

'Fine.' She nodded. 'I don't need this stress right now.'At this Riley looked down in shame, she just wanted to be with Maya.

Topanga left and then Riley looked up at her dad. If this is how they react when she is 'just friends' wit her there's no way she could ever tell her parents they are more than that. Riley didn't even want to imagine the catastrophic consequences.

'Dad I'm sorry but she's not bad I like her, you and mum can't stop me from...'

'That's where you're wrong Riley.' Her father interrupted her sharply, anticipating what her daughters next words would be. 'We are stopping you from seeing her, you're grounded Riley' He looks almost regretful at his words.

'What but dad?!'
'No buts Riley ...I don't want you being lead down this path of destruction' Corey looked down almost ashamed of his next words once again 'you are not to see her in school I'll be making sure of that and she sure as hell will never get to be at our house understand?'

'Why are you doing this' Rileys eyes filled with tears 'all I said was she's my friend surely...' her dad interrupted her once again.

'It STARTS with friends' Corey stated. 'Then you join her little gang and end up...'

'Gang what gang?' Corey's eyes widen

'Oh well some friend Ay honey she hasn't told you' he raised his hands in a knowing way.

Outside the window Maya panicked. She wasn't ready to tell Riley that yet she wasn't ready to lose her. She had to do something ...and she did.

Without even thinking Maya banged on the window and both Riley and Corey's eyes widen in disbelief

'YOU!' He said running to open the window
'YOU!' Maya yelled back.

'Get away from my house troublemaker' Corey spat. Riley couldn't believe what she had just heard. Her dad is never usually like this... he's always upbeat and willing to help all students ...why was Maya treated so differently.

'Hey I thought you were all about helping the troubled kids' it was as if Maya was reading Rileys mind when she said this.

'Thats when I'm a teacher, right now I'm Rileys father and her safety is more important. Besides don't play all dumb and innocent for Rileys benefit she'll find out sooner or later' Mr Matthews spoke.

'Yeah and I'll tell her on my own accords Matthews'  Maya said.
'Tell me what?!' Riley piped up in the background.

'She has a right to know' Corey said.

'Why?' You don't even know how long we've been friends' Maya argued.

'What do I need to know!' Riley was getting frustrated at the secrecy.

'Well I know that it's only been recently that my little girl has been acting different' Corey argued back.

'Dad! Embarrassing' Riley whined a little which caused Maya to smile a slightly at her cuteness. But her father still ignored her words.

'Go away!' He pointed out to Maya
'DAD!' Riley shouted angry this time.

'Stay out of this Riley' he warned.

'Umm i'm right in the middle of it dad!' She said a matter of factly.

'I won't let you corrupt my daughter, I forbid you to see her got it?! If I see you near  eachother in school I will move her away. If I see you speaking I will interrupt. If anything bad happens to her under your accords I will find a way to expel you got it' through his entire speech he was not allowing Riley anywhere near Maya and Riley was protesting against him.

'You know what?' Maya smirked unfazed by his words which is more than she can say for Riley who had tears running down her face.

'What?' He asked.

'I love a challenge' Maya's smirk remained plastered on her face as she winked at Riley, causing the girl to smile through her tears, then left running up the fires escape to her own apartment.

'Haha' Riley smiled inwardly. Maya. Her Maya was gonna fight for her. This was insane. This was all because Riley and her were friends! Her parents didn't even know the half of it but were still reacting as if they knew they were 'dating'.

'Oh no!' Her father turned 'what is she planing?!' He looked at Riley. 'Riley why can't you just be friends with good people, have normal friends then I wouldn't have to be the bad guy here' he almost pleaded.

'I hope she accepts that challenge' she spoke almost coldly.

'Riley...' he tried
'Get out... I can't believe your being like this' a stray tear escaped her eye as he looked at her in disbelief.

'No you need to let me at least be friends with her' Riley said.

'I can't do that both me and your mother don't agree with it' Corey held his hands up in surrender.

'Then both you and mum need to leave me alone' Riley said before laying down on her bed curled up and saying a firm 'get out.' Which her father complied with.

Rilaya- She doesn't like me at all Where stories live. Discover now