Chapter 14-Get another sub

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Heyyyyy persons on wattpad...another chapter for you guys...    Okay so I feel like in my head there is no ending to this story so I'll probably just write and write until I get bored, that cool?? Haha😜

'I thought I told you girls to get my students?' Mr Matthews spoke.
He had seen his daughter and Maya but refused to acknowledge it at the moment. He didn't want to believe his babygirl was being led down a pathway of destruction. How could he let his daughter become friends with this girl. Nope uh uh he was going to stop this but for now...

'Well?... my students?' Riley and Maya both let out a sigh of relief in sync before both not answering him.
There was a short silence.

Maya spoke up of course because she'd do anything to mess with a teachers mind... Even if it was Riley's dad.

'Well that is a great question but you sent us searching and we haven't found anything yet.' Maya shrugged.

It seemed like a reasonable explanation but this was Maya he was talking about.

'Oh yeah...' Now that that was covered he decided to see what this new found friendship was all about 'So what was that about then' he gestured to where they had just been standing.

The girls both looked terrified Riley more so than Maya who kept her chill quite well.
'Ummm' Maya stalled.
'It wasn't you guys catching up on some weird twisted girl talk between an angel and a devil.' Corey made a conclusion.

Maya literally burst out laughing 'oh my....' She breathed a deep breath in and then continued to laugh 'haha yeah' she cleared her throat 'yes we were catching up on girl talk because...' Maya walked over to Riley and looked at her expectantly

'Tell your father were friends' Maya whispered.
'What?!' Riley whispered shouted all while her father stood confused as to why noone was talking to him. They hid their whispers well.
'Is either that or...'
'She's my friend dad!' Riley blurted out unaware of what she would cause.
'' He pointed between the the two of them
'Yeah Mathews your daughter...' Maya slung her arm around Riley's shoulders 'is friends with me' Maya smirked enjoying this too much whilst Riley trembled a little.
'' his face resembled one of shock and fear before...

Corey literally fainted out cold.
'Maya He's gone into shock!!!' Riley shouted and ran beside him
'Huh and we thought him finding out about know' Maya blew a kiss and winked 'was gonna be bad.' Maya laughed a little, it wasn't as serious as Riley was making it out to be.

'OMG peaches what do we do?' Riley asked crouching down and looking at his face then getting up to pace.

'Babe...babe...MATTHEWS!' The blonde held the other girls wrist restraining them from frailing about everywhere whilst she ranted about her fathers passing out.

'I'll get the class and YOU get the nurse...think you can do that for me honey' Riley smiled, now that was an idea.
'Yeah haha'
'Great' but before Maya moved Riley grabbed her hand 'wait!'
'Maya if this is what happens when I talk to you what's it gonna be like when he finds out that's not all we do?' Riley asked worried.

'Well...' Maya smiled sympathetically before it twisted into a smirk 'that's gonna be one hell of a day!'
She proceeded to laugh before kissing Riley's cheek then bolting down the corridor to find her classmates.

God she really liked this girl but serious only ever seems to be on the agender when it involves her punching someone annoying.

Riley looked down noticing her father there 'ohhhh right' she said aloud before running to get the nurse.


'Okay okay settle down!' The principal entered the room full of students who were anything but sad that their teacher wasn't there.

'Mr Matthews is fine for those of you who were wondering'
'Wait' yogi spoke up 'what happened to him, we all just thought he was running late' the boy stated.

'Nope, you strange...strange child, he actually fainted so I'll be here to watch over you till your next class.' The principal informed.

'Urrrrhh!' Was groaned by every student. They loved mr Matthews and they hated their principal. This lesson was going to suck.

outside the door*
'What are you doing??' Riley whispered as Maya tugged at the sleeve of her jacket to get her away from the class.

'Why are you going in there??'
'Ummm...because we have class' Riley stated like it was the most obvious thing...because it was.

'Yeeeess buuuut' Maya dragged out the word as well as Riley away from the classroom
'But what??' No reply.
'Class is that way' nothing.

She didn't say anything just carried on dragging her down the hallway regardless of her protests
'I can't'

'You can't what Riley...come on live a little...please' Maya stopped and pouted up at Riley 'for me??' She persuaded.
'What if we get caught' Maya just sighed at this remark
'What if we don't' she smirked
'Then it's okay'
'Then we won't get caught' she smiled and this time willingly went with the rebel.

Back at the classroom*

'Wait...' The principal looked up. 'Who usually sits there. He pointed to the 2 vacant seats that clearly stood out in the small classroom.

Everyone looked at eachother silently agreeing it wasn't best to rat Maya out especially after her episode earlier.
'No? No one??' The principle spoke amused at the reaction he got.

A few shrugs and shaking of heads later the principle sigh.
'Fine.' Then began writing in slips of paper
'What?!' Sarah shouted as the paper was slammed on her desk.
'What up' Darby leaned forward to look at the slip before 'BANG' receiving one herself.
'Detention! Are you serious I've NEVER had detention before!' Sarah shouted rather annoyed
'You can make it all go away... Just answer the question.' The principal bent down to eye level with the girl.

The class was quite, the intense eye contact between teacher and student was becoming awkward.
'MMm'you know what...she's my cousin I'll take what I get from her'' Sarah thought and spoke
'Maya and Riley' there was a few gasp before a chilling silence went through the room.

Darby leant forward
'Dude you're gonna die' she whispered and the principle took the slips of paper back and said
'Excuse me whilst I call for a sub'

'Ohhhhh' the class droned together.
'I know...but family gets let off...right??' Sarah said with uncertainty before putting her head on her desk and groaning. She just really didn't want detention and she panicked and now Maya's gonna kill her.

Rilaya- She doesn't like me at all Where stories live. Discover now