Chapter 24- Stop talking...fine talk

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Here's a extra long chapter with a treat since I said I would post 3 days ago but didn't,, anyway... enjoy 😜

'Riley?' Maya asked again but the girl just turned and tried to open the door again.

'Riley?' She questioned again walking towards her but Riley just continued to jiggle the handle whilst cursing 'for gods sake Sarah' under her breath.

Maya reached out to touch the girl's shoulder.
'Riley?' She asked before actually touching her shoulder to get her attention.
Riley turns around unbelievably fast
'What?!' She spat coldly.

'Woah what's gotten into you?' Maya blinked hard a little confused by her actions.

'You! You've gotten into me with your little mind games'  Riley flung her hands in the air and round Maya's face and head for dramatic effect.

'Wow okay ...' Maya grabbed Rileys hands from the air and spoke again 'you're crazy...explain.' She nodded her head to the girl who was currently freaking out infront of her.

Riley pulled her hands away from Maya's grip before saying 'you! I know you're just using me! Farkle told me-'

'Woah woah woah ...Farkle?' Maya interrupted.

'Yes. Farkle. My bestfriend genius bestfriend who heard you talking to Sarah about how you're just using me to get to my dad' Riley explained. 'And I won't be apart of this sick plot to f*cking piss off every teacher in this school!' Riley gasp and held her hand up to her own mouth in shock.

'You cussed' even Maya was shocked 'you... Riley you cussed?' Maya wasn't even Focusing much on what was actually wrong after hearing miss innocent using such bad language.

Riley shook her head as if to remove the memory of what just happened before answering Maya

'Maya...I know, I didn't mean to I just...' Riley was about to explain herself then she realised 'I'm annoyed at you of course I cussed!' Riley shouted.

'Riley I don't get it I never said any of that' Maya frowned.

'Whatever, where is Sarah, why did she lock me in with you.' Riley folded her arms in annoyance.

'Riley listen to me I never said those things' she reached out to touch Riley's face but Riley flinched away, her hands touching the door as she hit it.

'Yeah well he heard you, tell me how he heard you' Riley stepped forward a little and surprisingly Maya retreated back.
There was a deafening silence surrounding the too as Maya tried to figure out what was going on.
'Maya I said-'

'He must of heard wrong! Or he's lying' Maya tried, the girl didn't know what else it could be.

'He doesn't lie!... you on the other hand' Riley implied.

' I wouldn't lie to you Riley. Yes I lie but not to you' Riley had become to important to Maya too fast which made everything she was saying true.

'Well I believe farkle. Farkle is my bestfriend' Riley said thinking logically about the situation. She'd known him the longest and he was the most loyal person she knew.

'Yeah well I'm your...' Maya voice broke at her own words
Riley looked at Maya and crossed her eyebrows.

'You're my what Maya... my friend?! Because friends don't use eachother and they sure as he-ck...' Riley stopped herself from cussing for the second time today '... sure as heck don't do the things we do' Rileys voice lowers a little as if keeping this a secret from the cleaning supplies and a dusty old desk and chair in the closet was a real thing.

'I'm not using you! Aaaand who says we can't do those things' Maya questioned, annoyed that they were even having this conversation.

' so why did he say that?! Aaaand...' Riley mocked Maya 'I do because what you're doing is wrong'

'Who's said it's wrong!.. who says this' Maya pushed Riley up against the door causing a loud bang before she crashed her lips onto Rileys.

Riley was taken aback by this letting  out a slight gasp into the blondes mouth, before raising her hands up to Maya's face and roughly kissing her back.

They continued until Riley realised what she had been trying to avoid had happened anyway and she pushed Maya off of her.

But as Maya stumbled back she immediately got close to Riley again and placed her hands on the girl's hips ' wrong' Maya finished the sentences she had started.
Then she repeated 'who's said this is wrong' and watched for Rileys reaction. Maya then looked Riley in the eyes whilst remaining closeness.

'This ...this isn't wrong it's just risky' Riley averted her eyes 'what's wrong is you using me' Riley folded her arms believing to be 100 percent right.

'How many times do I have to say it' Maya raised her hand to lightly pull a piece of Rileys hair from where it had fallen in front of her face and place it behind her ear 'I'm' she got closer 'not' closer 'using you' then she closed the gap between the 2 and kissed her once again.

'Then why...' Riley kissed her back 'did he mmm' she began to loose her train o thought 'why umm... why' she tried between kisses.
Her arms fell from there crossed stance as 'why...' she tried again muffled through the kiss.
'Stop talking' Maya spoke breathlessly before moving to kiss Rileys jaw causing a slight moan to escape Rileys lips.

Maya moved to look at Riley and smirked 'what was that honey' she whispered before moving to kiss Riley's neck.

She was so innocent and Maya loved the feeling of ripping that away from her.

'Mmm nothing' Riley replied grabbing a fistful of Maya's hair and closing her eyes as the girl trailed kisses along her neck.
Maya brought her face back to Rileys
to capture her lips once again only pausing to take a breath. Riley took the chance to throw together a few words.

'Maya ...answer my umm answer' Riley continued making no attempt to stop the girl who had latched her lips onto her neck once again 'answer meee' she moaned the last part as Maya sucked on her neck finding the right spot

'Stop talking' Maya kissed Rileys lips before going back to her neck her hands pushing her hips up against the door.

Rileys eyes widened again and she pushed Maya away 'no no umm' Riley ran a hand through her long brown hair and breathed in 'we uhh need to talk' she shivered at the lack of warmth she had caused by pushing Maya away. Then took a breath as the blonde spoke up.

'Aww but this is so much more fun don't be a kill joy' Maya whined.

'Oh bite me' Riley scoffed
'With pleasure' Maya smirked and looked at the brunette suggestively.

'You know that's not what I meant.' Riley put a hand on her hip in a disapproving manor.
Impulsively she raised her hand to graze her neck where Maya had kissed. It hurt a little bit but she ignored it and averted her attention back to Maya, awaiting the answer.

'Urg fine we'll talk' Maya huffed and walked to the desk at the back of the closet before jumping up to sit on it

'I guess we kinda need to talk after this week.'

'Yes, yes we do' and Riley walked up to Maya then leant on the wall, ready to engage in conversation with her.

Rilaya- She doesn't like me at all Where stories live. Discover now