Chapter 9-Lie a little better

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Maya had left Riley in a shocked state that stuck with her for the rest of the evening.
      At dinner her father asked her where she had been after school and she simply replied with 'studying' hoping he'd leave it at that.
       A distant look cradled her face however as she racked her brain around the situation. How did she not know that 'The Maya Hart' lives in her building. The same Maya hart who now kisses her on occasion, makes her go weak and takes detention for her.

'You doing okay there sweetie' she heard her mums voice and drifted out of her daydream.
'Umm I yeah' Riley smiled thinking of Maya...her Maya...her peaches.
'So how was school' her mum continued as Riley's thoughts of the blonde were interrupted once again.
'Nothing much happened' she shrugged moving the food on her plate around with her fork instead of eating it.
Nothing much happened?!' Her father spoke up and Riley winced knowing this conversation was unavoidable.
'Riley was late to my class today' Cory paused awaiting his wife's response
'Oh??' Topanga gave Riley a questioning look as Riley looked down not wanting to meet her mothers eyes.
'I was forced to give her detention' he continued pointing at her and finishing his mouthful of food.
'So that's where you really were then' her mum looked at her in disbelief that she would lie.
'No it wasn't you know why Topanga? you wanna know why?' Mr Matthews spoke over exaggerating his speech and lengthening his words . Topanga gave him a look as if to say go on and he did.
'Because Maya took it for her'
'The troublemaker your always talking about??' Topanga replied after a moment of thought.
'Uhuh' He said taking another clump of his mash potatoes to eat.
'How and why did she take it for her' all Riley could do was listen to this conversation back and fourth about her life until it directed towards her.
'Why don't you ask our innocent little girl' Mr Matthews spoke in what seemed to be a doubtful tone. His facial expression read 'don't grow up yet your my precious little angel' and Riley knew it as he waited for her to explain.
'Riley??' Her mum spoke.
'I was...well umm with...the so called troublemaker. So dad let her take my detention for me as she told him that if she was the one who corrupted me then shouldn't he punish her and not me.'
'You were with Maya Hart!!'her mum yelled raising from her seat and ignoring the rest of the story.
'Yes. why is that so bad mum' Riley questioned looking down at her plate.
'She's bad Riley that's why it's bad' Topanga threw her hands in the air in frustration. Why would her daughter even go near this kid 'I've heard things about her... I want you to be careful' Topanga lowered her voice in a serious tone and sat down composing herself.
'You can't believe everything you hear mum' Riley shouted then lowered her voice after realising what she had done. Before her mum could answer Riley continues 'she could be good for all you know!' The brunette yelled again wanting to stand by Maya. Why she felt so strongly about this was beyond her.
Maybe she felt she could change Maya
Maybe she felt that Maya water to change
Maybe she felt like Maya would change...for her
'Yes Riley but...' She heard her mother try.
'No mum! You can't just say she's bad'
'I can't if it's true!' Riley was shaking as she stared at her mothers piercing eyes. She looked at Auggie who was covering his ears and then she sat down before saying
'you taught me that... Don't judge a book by its cover and only listen to the people who's opinions matter' Riley defended Maya and calmed herself.
      Topanga's expression had softened now at the fact her little girl actually listens to her advise a slide lessons. Honestly all she felt she could do was stay silent. And for her to not fight back  eventhough she is a crazy good lawyer meant Riley had one.
      Not leaving anytime to bask in the glory of winning or standing by Maya she turned to her father...
'Dad??' Riley moved onto her father and looked at him hopefully .
'I'm sorry Riley but even I'm a little surprised just as your mother was' Her dad said apologetically.
'I've only seen you with her once and you already almost had a scratch on your permanent record so your mother has a point.' He pointed out and braced himself for another outburst.
'She not even that bad' Riley tried defending her...friend's(??) Honour.
'Why were you even with her' Cory asked suddenly realising he never actually got an excuse from either of the 2 girls today.
'I uhh ran into her and I said I felt ill...she took me to the nurse and t-then we just got talking and didn't leave when we were' Riley lied through her teeth hoping her parents wouldn't see through her slight stutters.
      She could already feel the guilt building within her and she looked at her mum who hadn't said a word since her outburst. Her face seemed to soften now as she hugged Auggie to show him that everything was okay.
'Why didn't you guys just tell me that' Riley was silent at her dads question
        A million excuses ran through Riley's mind. No point in telling the truth now. Her parents didn't seem to like her talking to Maya let alone finding out she was kissing her in a closet which is why she was late.
'Riley??' Cory tried again.
'Well...she's Maya Hart you said it yourself mum she's... A troublemaker... S-she had a reputation you umm know and finding out she was helping a student feel better would ruin that' the further into the story the easier it became to lie and the guilt was crushing Riley.
       Cory and Topanga nodded there heads believing every little detail because quite frankly it just made sense and then they continued to eat whilst Riley fought with her own conscience.
        She instantly changed the subject after earning the approval of her parents once again and said
'So Auggie how was your day' to her little brother, a smile plastered on her face. Auggie piped up and said
'It was great! Ava....'
          And Riley didn't hear the rest as her thoughts wondered back to the rebel who had yes indeed corrupted her mind, already causing her to lie to her parents, lives in the same building as her and has the softest lips which Riley couldn't resist ...what was she gonna do

   So this was a long chapter with not enough Rilaya... Don't worry that's coming up 😜

Rilaya- She doesn't like me at all Where stories live. Discover now