Chapter Thirteen

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"What makes a girl beautiful?" Kaarina asked her father as he continued to prepare dinner.

The fragrance of different spices and sweet bakings were saturated in the air making Kaarina take in a long and deep breath of the wonderful atmosphere that she thought she couldn't live without. One day, she decided, I want to be just like my papá. Not just a chef, but a man of love to make others happy. To her, food was just one way of spreading happiness. And she was muy contento at the moment.

"Well," her father grinned stirring the red sauce lightly before washing his hands and wiping them on his apron. He turned to her as she held out her hands for him to take her small frame from off the counter top. He did so with pride. "It all depends on if her name is Kaarina."

Kaarina giggled. "Papaaa," she pouted at him. "I know I am a beautiful princesa, you tell me everyday. But what really makes someone beautiful?"

Her father frowned, acting as if he was thinking about it hard. Kaarina continued to stare at him with a small smile while her small head rested on his shoulder. He had been growing a beard for the past few days and Kaarina found herself touching. She could feel the smile on his lips.

"It could be about how many suitors you have, and how black your hair is," he patted her mass of black silky strands of hair. "Or that you talk boldly or shy away at every moment. Or it could be about how intelligent or how much of a dummy you are."

"Papá," she warned with a playful pout. "How do you really know that someone is beautiful?"

"Well, that all depends princesa," he stated with quiet earnest. "On what you're looking for and what's in your heart."

He touched her chest to make his point before settling her on the counter again.

"Ahora, let me go and check that meal of ours," he told her sweetly. "Don't want mi bonita getting hungry."

And despite the fact that his explanation still left her puzzled, she kept it to heart. Hoping among hoping, someone would find her beautiful too. Just like her papá.

But Kaarina had grown up, needing no one to tell her that. She survived and even though she didn't think she was beautiful, just a totally average woman, there was no way she was going to allow anyone to treat her anyway but beautiful. No matter how each pore of his skin was absolute sexiness that made a girl want to throw herself at him or how the attraction crackled static in the air between him and her. What was the saying her mother used a lot? Fool me once, you're good. Fool me twice and I am a damn idiot.

With a stance that seemed to Achilles as one ready for World War III, he took a good look at the Spanish woman before him.

His eyes roamed from the small petite feet encased in shiny ballerina flat shoes up her slightly tanned ankle which disappeared into a considerably big pants, compared to her small size, which despite giving everything to the imagination, he could still picture the smooth thighs of silky cream with a tint of brown. His smoldering gaze continued upwards to her small waist that was enhanced by the red blouse tucked into the waist of her pants, up to full ample breasts that strained at a little black button at the valley of them.

He was definitely getting an eyeful and Kaarina crossed her arms self-consciously, but that only drew his attention to her chest as her breasts pushed out even more. Achilles knew he should stop eye raping her if he was going to keep a sane head. But was probably the hardest thing he came across doing. He was kind of happy he was wearing slacks.

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