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Adrien started sweating as he looked at Marinette's glare.   It filled with pure hatred, it was like her eyes turned black.

He gave a slightly smile and waved. Marinette rolled her eyes and looked at Alya.

He put his hand down. He was so confused at the moment. What is wrong with Marinette?

"E-excuse me..um...I'm s-sorry but I have a photoshoot. Bye!" He lied. He ran to the park, not so far from the bakery and sat on a bench under a shady tree.

He cupped his face in his palms and let out a distressed groan. Plagg flew out of his pocket and began his teasing.

"Awww." He cooed. "Trouble in paradise?" He teased, laughing at the blond in front of him. Adrien rolled his eyes at his Kwami. "Whatever. At least I don't have a lo-"
He was cut off by the now irritated Kwami.

"Don't start or I bite your hair."

"Shut up."

"You shut up."

"Look, I'm here to think, not argue with you." Adrien said. Plagg rolled his eyes. "I'll shut up if you give me camembert!"

Adrien sighed and pointed to his bag beside him, sending Plagg, flying inside. "What is wrong?" He asked himself and tapped his chin.

"I know she hates me but...how and why..." He wondered off. Plagg flew back out. "How about camembert! Their delicious, sweet and not full of drama." Plagg stated.

Adrien face palmed. "I'd rather go through the drama and get my life straight, rather than date something that stinks and will never give you a reply or any affection."

Plagg let out a gasp. "Don't listen to him, cammy." He said while stroking the piece of cheese in his hands.

"What about Tikki?" Adrien smirked.

"Oh, no! This is about you love life, not moi! Plagg out!" Plagg said and flew back into the bag.


"Marinette?" Alya frowned. This was like the hundredth time she ignored her. Marinette sat in her chair with her arms crossed.

"I'm gonna say this one more time...what's wrong?" Alya asked.

"Everything! I'm so confused! Why would he do that to me?!"

"Who? Adrien?" Alya asked. Marinette nodded her head. "Oh, you mean him telling you l-" she slapped a hand on her mouth.

"You knew?"

Alya shook her head. "You knew this whole time?" Tears welled in Marinette's eyes. "You wanted to hurt me." She said.

Alya shook her head rapidly. "I-I-I did-"


"Mari, I-"

"GET! OUT!" Alya hung her head and walk out.

Tikki flew out and looked at Marinette as she slumped in her seat, sobbing and wiping her tears.

"Shouldn't you let her explain herself?" Tikki asked. "If you were in my shoes...would you?"

Tikki remained silent.

"Thought so." Marinette mumbled.
I blame learning! >^<
❄Hyper Out!✌❄

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