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Okay! This will be in Marinette's POV! Sooo..yeah?

Weeping, crying, sobbing. No laughter, no cheers. No nothing. It's as if, everything around is dead. All those happy thoughts. Gone. All you can think about is why. Why would this happen? To someone who always gave me those smiles to make me feel special. That someone whose smile can light up the whole room and warm it up with on twitch on the corner. That person who would always have your back no matter what the situation.

Why did she have to go? This was to soon. Not only that, but Marin will grow up with out a mother. He will never have the experiences that I had with both mom and dad. It's just sad.

I looked down at the little bundle wrapped up and sleeping in my arms. My tears dripped down from my face and landed on his skin that had the same complexion of both mom and I.


That name just makes me want to kill myself. It gives me to much pain. To much for me to bear.

I didn't notice that my tears had grown bigger and were now washing Marin's once dry face. He twitched and grimaced as they fell on his face, eventually waking him up and making him cry.

"M-Marin." I managed to say between sobs as I brought my little brother to my chest and rocked him. "Shh." I  hushed and wiped my tears with my free hand. Suddenly, a strong stench entered my nostrils.

"Marin. You naughty boy." I playfully scolded him in a hushed voice considering the situation. I looked around and saw papa looking down at the floor with sorrow and anger.

I didn't want to disturb him so I stood up but a hand held me back. "Girl, this is your mom's funeral. Let me handle it." Alya smiled reassuringly. I shook my head. "It's okay. He's my responsibility." I said and smiled at her as she let go of my shoulder. "If you say so." She replied and sat down.

I made my way out of the room into the hallway were the crying echoed. I sighed as I took out a clean dipper from the bag.

While in the middle of changing Marin. Let me tell you what happened, he almost peed on me, the end.

There was a loud bang. Wow, for the first time in forever an akuma showed up. Not that I'm happy about it. I quickly finished changing Marin and that's when people began screaming and running out.

I spotted Alya with her phone near the doorway while Nino slouched behind her, begging her to leave. I ran up to them and tap Nino's shoulder. "Ahh!" He scream and turned around. "Could you take care of Marin? Thanks!" I handed Marin over to him and ran without a reply.

I ran to an empty alley and opened my purse. Tikki flew out with an irritated look. "Why can't Hawkmoth leave us alone?" I shrugged. "Tikki, Spots On!" I exclaimed, turning into my alter ego, Ladybug. Whoa, feels good to be in actions once again.

I grabbed my yo-yo and swung myself to the scene. I saw a glimpse of blonde hair. Chat Noir.

As I landed swiftly on the ground next to Chat which seemed to frighten him a bit. I grinned knowing that I had scared the egoistic cat. "What have we got today, Kitty?" I asked him playfully despite my mood. I flecked his bell as a tiny blush spread across his face which was new. He turned to face me with his bloodshot eyes. Had he been crying?

"U-um.. This guy that calls himself 'Misfortune'." He stammered. Is he okay?

"That would me I!" A loud voice boomed. I turned and faced a guy, he was dressed in black. Completely black.

He had this feature that reminded me of. "Dad?!"
Woooyiii! Sorry for not updating in awhile. So yada yada ya! The end! Good excuse, right?

No, okay. One word...School.😑


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