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Marinette walked through the hallways of Collège François Dupont. Her frown from the previous night was still plastered.

How had she been so blind to not realize that Adrien was Chat. She had literally fallen in love with her most hated person. Right now, she doesn't know how she feels for him.

She made her way into her first class and was surprised to see that no one was in there. "This is a first." She mumbled as she made her way to her seat.

Before she sat, she noticed a yellow sticky note plastered onto the seat. She peeled it off and read it. 'Smile☺'. Yes, it had a smiley face.

She than looked up to see of anyone was there but that a huge blue chart stuck onto the blackboard caught her attention. It had her name written on it in capitalized letters, made with very beautiful cursive. 'Marinette Dupain-Cheng.'

She walked down the steps and towards the blackboard. She felt the chart and than realized that there was another behind it. She peeled it off. (What's with me and peeling? -_-)

It had another smiley face. She groaned in annoyance. "What's with all the notes and Marinette's and smiley faces an-" Her rambling was cut off when the bell rang. She rolled her eyes and waited for her classmates to stampede into the classroom like a herd of bison.

But instead, there was silence. She decided to take a seat in Adrien's place and wait but still, no one came.

"Where are they?" She muttered to herself and exited the room and walked into the hallways. Just like her classroom, it was empty and quiet. "AHHHHH! CAN'T HANDLE THE SILENCE!" She scream, only getting a reply from the echoes.

She stomped her feet on the floor frustratedly. There was a sound of something being crumpled. "What the?" She moved her feet and saw a little sticky note. Her eyes twitched as she picked it up.

(Ha! Take that peel! ..Wtf?)

'Follow the trail.⬆' It said. It pointed forward so she looked forward. She looked and saw a trail of yellow sticky notes. Her eyes began twitching as she followed.

"What is this person doing with their life?" She thought out loud.

After a couple many twists and turns from left to right, the trail ended in front of the door that leads to the school garden.

(I dunno if that school has one but meh! It's needed right now!)

She opened the door and was amazed by the beautiful set up. There was a variety of flowers, different colored ballooo, streamers and everything! She gasped when she saw her class, in front of her and a emotionless Chloé standing in front of her.

"Guys?" She smiled.

"Surprise!" They yelled in unison. Marinette giggled and walked towards them while still looking around.

"What have you done with the place?" She still couldn't believe it.

"Oh, about that. Sorry of it's a bit missed up, it was a last minute call." Alya scratched her nape. "But the bright side was, Chloé helped!" They all beamed at the blond while she scoffed and turned away, hiding her smile.

Marinette smiled. "Thank you all, but who's idea was it?" She asked.

"Guess." Nino winked. Marinette tapped her chin. "Alya?" She smirked confidently. Alya chuckled and shook her head. "Do you think I can afford this?" She gestured the whole place.

"Fair point." Marinette nodded.

"Nathaniël?" She asked, only to get a no in reply. "Mylene?" Mylene shook her head.

She called the whole class, including Chloé, but didn't get the answer she wanted. "I don't get it. You're all here."

Alya grinned. "Not everyone." Marinette looked at her confusingly.

Everyone pointed behind Marinette. Marinette awkwardly turned around.

Her eyes widened at the blond in front of her. Adrien stood in front of her with his award winning grin. "Me?"

"You?" Marinette asked. "Duh!" He playfully exclaimed, raising his hands into the air. Everyone chuckled at the blond unusual behavior.

"But why this?" Marinette asked. "Because." The blond held her hands and knelt down.

"I love you. I really do, and if you think that I don't, you're just fooling yourself." He said, making the bluenette laugh. "And I want you to forgive me. I was a fool to not see how beautiful you were."

"A blind fool, if I may add!" Alya yelled.

"Do you mind?" Adrien asked as he broke his eye contact with Marinette to look at Alya. "Sorry." She laughed.

"Anyway. I was also stupid for lying to you and not telling you the truth. I guess I was afraid that you wouldn't love me again." He looked down. He sniffed but there weren't any tears....yet..

He laughed. "Hah, I have a joke!" He looked at everyone but they looked at him worriedly. "Adrien." Marinette said but Adrien continued. "What do you call a fish that is as handsome as me?" He blinked rapidly to contain the tears.

The class looked at each other and shook their heads, not knowing the answer. "What?" Marinette asked, softly. Adrien turned to her, his red eyes meeting her bluebell orbs. "Selfish." Down the tears dripped, trailing down the blonds tan cheeks.

Marinette smiled softly and knelt down to meet Adrien's level. She brought her hands to his eyes, wiping the tears away. "I'm sorry, Marinette." Adrien sobbed and embraced her in a hug which Marinette gladly returned. She smiled and whispered into his ears. "I forgive you."

The class began sniffing at the scene. "Are you crying, Chloé?" Alya asked through sniffles.

"N-no." Chloé also said through sniffles. "I'm just peeing... Through my eyes." She sniffed. "E-excuse me.." She ran behind a bush. "WHY AM I BEGINNING TO SHIP THIS!" Chloé's voice yelled.

Kim sniffled. "Who put the onions here?!" He yelled, looking at the bowl of chopped onions next him. "What is onion doing here anyway?"

"Hehe, oops?" Alix chuckled.

"Guys!" Alya said as she nudge the two teens who were preparing for battle.

Nino made his way to both his friends who were still hugging. He held out his hand to Adrien. Adrien glanced up at Nino and held his hand, pulling him down so he could join the hug.

"Awww, oh. Group hug everyone!" Nino exclaimed, beginning to feel special.

Everyone ran their way and joined in the hug. "Wait for me!" Chloé yelled and ran towards them. She hugged Marinette's side, which wasn't taken. Marinette glanced at her, Chloé meeting her glance. Both smiled at each other.

(XD I have hope in Chloé. No hating! Everyone deserves a second chance! XD)

This was a beginning off a new friendship.
This is the end! The last chapter-ish.

I will post the epilogue...

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