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Padme's pov

" Senator Padme , Queen Jamilla requests your presence immediately! " Dorma said as I glanced up from the mirror .

" Yes Dorma, I will be there as soon as I can ." I replied as I looked myself in the mirror once more .

Three years had passed since Anna came here for her safety .While the rest of the Republic , Jedi Order , and separatists thought of her as dead . Queen Jamilla and the rest of the Naboo politics knew that we had to keep Anna safe no matter what .

Amara, The queen's personal healer was standing by the queen side when I enter the main hall .

" You called for me your majesty ," I asked as I gave a bow to her .

" Senator Amidala, my healer has some important information about your friend Anna ." Queen Jamilla said as panic and anxiety set in.

Anakina's pov

For the first time in what seemed like forever ; I felt for the first time .

Warmth on my face as I could hear voices around me .

" Anakina ." A familiar voice said as I opened my eyes to see an older Padme sitting on the edge of the bed .

" Pa-." I only could get out as my words seemed to mumble together .

" Shh, do not strain yourself . It's been a long time since you have talked or moved your body !" Padme looked like she was at least nineteen .

How long have I been out ? Knowing she was queen and fifteen last time that I had seen .

" This is Amara , she is queen Jamilla's own personal healer .

" Should we take her to the medbay ?" Another woman's voice came through as Dorma stood in the far corner .

" Not till I talk with Master Yoda and Master Windu ." Padme answered as she got up from the bed .

Why wouldn't they take me to the medbay and why was I with Padme and not with the Jedi temple .

Failing merciless as I tried to make myself sit up on the bed .

" Anna ,please . You need to rest and let Amara check you over ." Padme said as she gave me a sympthatic smile .

The red hair girl came up to us " Anna , I want you to nod for a yes and shake your head for a no ." Amara said as I nodded my head for a okay .

" Are you hurting anywhere ?" She asked as I shook my head for a no .

" Anna , do you know who I am ?" Padme asked as I gave her a questioning look.

Nodding my head ; I knew it had been awhile for me being in a coma .

" Anakina , you have been in a coma for almost eight years . " Pamde added as I stared at her like she was insane .

After what seemed like forever ; the healer finished checking me over to see if I was still the same or better .

" Well Master Solo , you are a hundred percent healthy .Your mobility will come back in time ."

Padme smiled , " I need to send a message to Master Yoda and Master Windu that you have awaken ."

Why not Obi and Anakin along with them . Padme knew how much I cared for the two boys well men now .

" Anakina , I am so happy that you have woken up ." Dorma, Padme's handmaiden said as I gave her a smile to show her that I appreciated it .

Obi Wan's pov

" Master Yoda , something seems to be troubling me since yesterday !" I exclaimed since it was the first night that I did not dream of Anakina .

" Troubled are you , hmm. Have you meditated on your thoughts ." He exclaimed as I nodded my head to him.

" Sometimes letting go is a difficult choice to make ,Master Kenobi . But we have to do or not do so we can keep to the light side of the force ."

How could I let go of the one person who was the love of my life .

" Master , It is difficult. "

Master Yoda looked at me as he suddenly smiled at me , " Let her go ,Obi Wan and one day she will come back to you ."

Anakin's presence interrupted our conversation ," Good morning Master Kenobi and Master Yoda !" He exclaimed as the eighteen year old boy resembled Anna in so many ways .

" Anakin , I am discussing private matters with Master Yoda . We will leave on our mission as soon as I finish talking to him. " I exclaimed as he nodded to my words .

" May the force be with you ." He quoted as he bowed to Master Yoda .

" And may the force be with you , young Skywalker ." The little green creature replied to him.

Watching as he walked out of the room , I looked over to the Jedi Master .

" Done we are ,must you go with Skywalker. "

Anna's pov

Three days passed and I finally could talk and was able to sit up .

" Master Yoda is here to see you !" Dorma said as I looked over to see the small green creature who I grown to love .

" So I hear it's been eight years !" I exclaimed as I saw him smile even bigger .

" Eight years it has ,Anakina . Warms my heart to see you safe and awake ." Master Yoda said as he took my hand into his .

" One thing ,Master . Why am I not at the temple instead of here ?" I asked as I needed some of my questions answered.

" Danger at the temple it was for you ; Ben warned me ." Knowing that Palpatine would not try something this early on .

" Who would it be ?" I asked as I knew that he did not know who it was .

" Do not know I do , but safe I had to keep you . " His face sadden as I sensed he was thinking about Obi Wan and Anakin .

Tears sprang to my eyes as I couldn't imagine what they went through .

" Everyone thinks you are dead except for me ,Master Yoda , and the Naboo politics. " Master Windu said as he came up to us .

Mace Windu looked the same since I had seen him last .

" Mace , it is lovely to see you . How is Depa ?" I asked knowing that I had missed the only Jedi girl who actually got along with me .

" She has taken in a apprentice. " His words filled with pride as I knew that she would be good with a padawan .

" That is amazing news ." I replied as the pain of the thought that I would have had a apprentice by now .

" Those who stay in the past hard for them to embrace the future !" Yoda said as I knew that he had read my thoughts .

" Yoda , it has been eight years since I had been with everyone ."

But I knew that I was not any normal Jedi but the chosen one's granddaughter who came back from the future to save Anakin from turning into Darth Vader .

" Important you are to us ,Anakina . You will have to adjust like you did when you first arrived here ." Maste Windu informed me as I was already sick of hearing their positive vibe .

" Masters, I will adjust but when can I go back to the Jedi temple ?" Wanting to see Obi Wan as soon as I can .

" Not for a while Anna , you have to be strong for your protection ." Master Yoda said

He was right because I would be a sitting target if I went there now .

" Trust us ,you must ." Master Yoda said as I took a deep breath as my new journey laid ahead .

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