War has began

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The thought of Anakin and Obi Wan being hurt or even worse made my stomach turn .

The gunship landed on a secret hangar , looking toward my Senator as her facial expression held the same as I did .

Charging inside with her by my side and the clones behind us
. Master Yoda stood in the corner along with an uninjured Obi Wan to my relief .

Anakin who was leaning on Obi Wan was the one who concerned me . Padme rushed to his side as she hugged him and kissed him .

So this was how my grandfather lost his arm due to Count Dooku , " Anakina , are you okay from your fall ? " Obi Wan asked as his eyes went from them toward me .

" I am fine . " I managed to get out as I locked eyes with him .

" Did I hurt your feelings ? " Obi Wan whispered with enthusiasm as I knew he sensed my true feelings .

" No , you did your duty . And that is what matters most ! " I responded . " Also , I can take care of myself . "

Obi Wan gave me a solemn look as I sensed Anakin looking at me .

Looking toward his way , his eyes was full of concern for me.

" Anakina . " His voice was filled with such concern for me . " I was so scared that something bad happen to you . "

Walking toward him as he was still in Padme's arms .

" I wish that I can say the same for you . "

Anakin laughed as he shook his head at me , " I am okay, Anna . "

" General Solo , may I speak with you ? " Obi Wan asked as I twirled around to see him inches from my face .

Feeling my face grow hot , all I could was nod to his question .

As he gently guided me with his arm in the middle of my back . He led me toward where Master Yoda seemed to be in deep thought , "General Solo, the threat toward Senator Amidala is now gone but your seeker still remains at large . "

" Master Yoda, I know who is trying to come after me . I think that my death is not his number one priority , right now . "

" Anakina , your cousin has let the dark side take over him, he has . Do whatever it takes to destroy you and your mission, he will . "Master Yoda exclaimed as I was puzzled by his words .

Jacen words had me fooled where he was not going to try anything at the moment and he was generally true to his words .

" A war is upon us , Master Yoda . My safety is really not a concern compared to what we are about to face ·" I pointed to the two Jedi masters and myself .

Facing the truth , I knew my safety was not important compared to Anakin and Padme's . They were the reason why I time traveled back to the past .

" Deceive yourself have you , Anakina ? Key you are to our future and to the force . " The small green jedi said as I gave him a blank stare .

" Anger and resentment are the way to the dark side . Let go you must . " Master Yoda added as I knew that I was the anchor but surely there would be the next person who would take upon the challenge.

" Anakina , as the anchor . It is your duty to stay alive and safe from the grips of the Sith . I think Master Yoda is implying that you let go of the resentment of the years being taken away from you . And learn the ways of the force once more and prepare for the future of the galaxy . " Obi Wan commented as I gave him a disbelief look .

I began to feel anger once more seep in as  he was the one who had left me stranded in the arena was lecturing me about my safety .

Some time later , we arrived back on the planet Corustant . Obi Wan and Anakin got treated for their wounds . He was required to escort Padme back to Naboo where I would join them as soon as I finished with the council .

"Anna , are you sure that you cannot join us , now ? " Anakin asked as he entered my apartment .

" I have a meeting with the council and a few other priorities that I must take care of . Then I will be there to join you and Padme in Naboo . " I replied as my eyes suddenly fell on his new prosthetic arm .

" How does it feel ? "

His eyes widened at my mention of his arm, " It is like I have never lost it ! "Anakin responded .

Anakin constant stare toward me started to make me  feel uncomfortable as I remained emotionless so he could not sense what I was feeling .

" Anakina , with everything that has happened. I haven't gotten the chance to tell you that I am glad you are still alive . " He exclaimed as he took a seat next to me .

I opened my mouth to speak but my comlink interrupted my words as Captain Typro appeared in a small blue form .

" General Solo , Senator Amidala is ready to go . Is Master Skywalker with you ? "

Finally, his words saved me from an awkward situation , " Anakin is with me and he will be down in a moment . "

Shutting off my comlink , I placed it back into the surface of the table before us .

" I guess that is my cue to leave and I will see you shortly ! " Anakin said as he stood up to leave .

" I assume so Ani and of course you will ! Be safe and may the force be with you . "

Anakin bowed as he mumbled may the force be with you .

Watching him as he made his way to the elevator ,I knew that I had to get close to him like I was before I had slipped into the coma. But it was harder this time because I was not the same girl that I was back then .

Missing nine years of being around them did make me resentful and distance toward everyone . But like Master Yoda said , I had to let go and move on .

But how could I when the love of my life was very angry at me and my grandfather was falling for me .

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