The heat of the battle

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" General Solo , I think you need to stay near the camp site ! " Commander Cody said as I looked over to the clone that I had grown attached to over the past couple of months.

Six and half months had passed since my encounter with Chancellor Palaptine happened.

I did as the Chancellor had asked : with tagging along with Obi Wan and Anakin . On their missions for about a month and a half .

But when no sign of Jacen came or no threat , I was called into the duties of being Naboo's general .

" Mam, you have been not feeling quite well . " Captain said as I knew that I had been feeling nauseous the past couple of weeks .

" I will be fine , Commander . Our mission is to defend the people of Naboo . And we cannot afford for the separatist forces to take control over it . " I commanded as I slung my long bastler rifle across my back in its holster and the pistols in both to my sides .

" Yes General Solo , let's get going ! " The dark haired clone said as he put his helmet back on his head.

It had been almost twelve weeks since I had seen Obi Wan and six since I had any contact with him .

" Mam, are you ready ? " Commander Cody asked as I quickly came out of my thoughts as the gunship lowered to us .

" I am ! "

It did not take long before we were in the mist of the heated battle . Hundreds of clones and droids was beneath us in the desert sand of the planet , Geonisis.

Grabbing my blaster rifle , I was ready to battle the droids and the Separatists leaders .

As the ship landed on the nearest platform , I jumped off quickly and made my way to where Master Mace Windu was.

" General Solo , you are not supposed to be here ! " He yelled so that I could hear him.

" Come on Master Mace , I am not the type of girl to stay home ! " I responded with a chuckle as we hid behind a large bolder .

" Anna , come on ! " Knowing that he was to tired to argue with me .

I followed his every step as I tried to take down every droid that was in his way .

The new Queen Neeyutnee had informed me that Count Dooku was on this planet with an army of battle droids .

" Count Dooku is not here ! " A young Jedi girl who was my age said as she leapt toward us .

With her bright blond hair and blue eyes , the girl seemed angry and disappointed as she made her way to us .

" Whay do you mean , he is not here ! The queen had solid proof that he kept post here ! " I defended as I sensed Mace Windu's feelings .

" No , but his apprentice is here ! " The girl said as my heart jumped in the my throat . Jacen.

Mace looked at me and saw the panic on my face , " Anna , is your brother here ? " He asked as my heartbeat began to pick up .

" I do not know, my connection to the force has been wary . I had not been able to train like I needed to because of this war ! " I snapped as I began to focus instead of panicking .

" Then if he is here , you need to get off of this planet as fast as you can ! " Master Windu said as I gave him a disbelief look .

" I can not just leave my men ! "

Sensing that he was becoming aggravated toward me , Mace nodded as we headed to where Jacen was .

With the two jedi and several of the clones , we cleared the path to where Jacen was supposedly staying .

Suddenly , I felt a presence behind me as I instantly recognized Jacen . I stopped as I motioned for them to move on .

Master Windu did not seem to notice that I had trailed behind them . Praying , he would leave them alone and directly deal with me .

" Well , Well , Anna . You have certainly come prepared ! " A voice behind me stated .

Turning around , Jacen looked different with his longer hair and beard . I pointed the rifle towards him even though I did not have a chance against him.

" I have to when it comes toward you , dear cousin ! I am not quite ready with using the force . " I said as I prayed he would believe the lie .

The truth was , I have trained and practiced with becoming who I once was. It had not been easy at first but it slowly started to come back to me .

" Anna, the coma seemed to sink some darkness in you . I like you like this , darker and less sympathetic toward others ! " Jacen exclaimed as he withdrew his red lightsaber .

" Yes , I know now there is no hope for you returning to the light side of the force . " I responded as I aimed the gun toward him.

Jacen laughed as he used the force to knock the blaster out of my hands.
" So petty cousin but I am glad you know the truth . The dark side is more powerful than your side will ever be . Anakin would not have died if I had the power that I have now . "

Jacen mention of Anakin sent anger through me ., " Anakin would have not approved of you this way , Jacen . I have a chance for him to survive when I complete my mission ! " I yelled at him as withdrew the pistol from its holster .

" Anakina , you are going to fail ! I am here to make sure of it and that means killing you ! " Jacen exhaled as he came for me with his lightsaber .

I threw the pistol down to the ground and ignited my green lightsaber to block his attack .

It worked as his red one clashed against my green one . I was able to defend myself for what seemed like a good time . But he caught me off guard when Jacen lifted me in the air and throw me against the nearest bolder .

Pain shot through my head as I tried to recover quickly . But like always Jacen was a step ahead of me , as he used the force to take all of my weapons .

" Anakina, have you not leaned by now . That I will always be more powerful and stronger with the force . "

Great, Obi Wan is going to kill me !

I managed to stand up so I could see him face to face , " I hope that father kills you ! " I spat as the fear of death was creeping in .

" That's not possible sweet girl because he will rule the dark side. Along with mom and the rest of our family . "

Laughing at his words, I knew that father and Aunt Leia would never join the dark side.

" Delusional much ! " I commented as I could sense Jacen growing angry at me .

Suddenly , he pointed his hand toward me and began to choke me .

" What is it with you choking me ! "I stated as I could not breath once more .

" Anna , don't worry. I will not kill you until Darth Sidieous commands me to ! " Jacen said as blackness took over me.

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