Seeing him again

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One more week passed before I  was heading back to Corustant .  With Jacen still being at large ,  Queen   Jamilla ask Anakin to stay with me on the passenger ship   till we reached the station . I felt safe with him by my side yet nervous because Obi Wan would be there waiting on us .

" Anna... Anna ! " A voice was calling me out of my thoughts as I looked to my left to see Anakin laughing at me .

R2D2 was beeping at Anakin as I rolled my eyes at the both of them . , " If he is laughing at me , then I will destroy the both of you ! "

Anakin's smile grew bigger even if  it  was possible as he shook his head at me , " I was saying that I could sense something was bothering you . " He responded as I could not help put a smile on my face.

" I am worried a little a bit about this war and my role in this ! "I said as my mind went back to the sentinant meeting . Queen Jamilla and Padme wants me to start back my studies on the sentinant .

But if I became part of the sentinant then I would not be able to spend as much time as I needed with Anakin .

" Padme thinks that you will have great influence on the Rebulic ! " Anakin encouragily advised as he took my hand into his . 

Suddenly I felt out of place once more as I wanted to jerk my hand out of his . "Ani ,  I have been trained to be a Jedi then a General when I woke up from my coma !  I am not politician material like  Senator Amidala has informed you . "

Quietly I withdrew my hand from his ,  as he seemed lost in thought in what to say to me .

" Anna ,  you can do anything that you set your mind to .  The force is strong in you ; I can sense it in you .  But your anger and  resentment is rooted in you so deep.  That you cannot concrete on anything else but your feelings ! "

Great,  my nineteen year old grandfather was giving me advice that I did not ask for .

Sounding like something my own father use to say to me when I was a youngling .  Training in the academy so I could be awarded Jedi Master by the time I was sixteen and seventeen . 

Signing in annoyance ,  I folded my arms together and scooted back as far as I could in the small chair . 

" I can sense your frustration ,  Anna ! " Anakin said as I turned my head so I could look at my grandfather. 

Anakin was trying to contain  in his laughter while shaking his  head at me .

I could not help but smile at him as I rolled my eyes once more at him , " O how I missed you ,  Anna ! " He added as the pain came as quickly as I forgotten about . 

" I missed you to Ani! "I barely got out as tears threatened to slide down my cheeks . 

But instead of letting him sense my grief : I took a deep breath and let my eyes averted to the creatures who were on board  with us .

Everyone seemed relax and going about their day as if we were at peace in the Republic instead of on the brink of war . 

" Anna ... Anna! " A voice called my name as I came out of my thoughts . 

Anakin was motioning for me to follow him ,  as I quickly jumped to my feet .

" Anna ,  are you feeling okay ? " He asked as I gathered my suitcases in my hands .

" Of course Ani ! "I muttered as one started to slip out of my hand . 

" Here ,  hand me one . " Anakin said as I looked up toward him .

His eyes were so blue just like Father's  was ,  yet so full of compassion toward me .

" What is wrong with me ? " ,  I thought to myself as I handed it to him .

" Ani ,  I am okay !" 

Taking another deep breath ,  I told myself the same thing over and over again . 

" Master Kenobi  will be waiting on us ! " He said as he stopped to walk beside me .

" O really ! " I acted surprise so that he would not sense my nervousness of seeing Obi Wan again .

" Yes , he will be escorting you to your apartment .  "

" Why can't you escort me ! "  I cried out before I even realized it . 

Feeling stares toward me  because of my sudden outburst .  I could feel my cheeks turn suddenly red as I hung down my head to hide my face . 

" Anna.  " Another voice called me as I knew automatically who it was .  Obi Wan .

" Great ! "

" General Solo ,  nice to see you again !  Anakin ,  Master Yoda requires you to see him the council chamber ! "

Obi Wan voice was calm ,  as I prayed that he did not hear s word that I said.

" As well to you ,  Master Kenobi .  Anakin ,  will I see you at the temple while I am here ? "

Feeling thr stares slowly dye  down when they heard who I was .

" Anakin is going to be busy during your stay here Milady . I will be acquired to keep you safe! While you meet up with the  Chancellor and the rest of the Senate for some of the troops ? "

Ugh, I knew that he heard what I had said .  But what he had told me was the truth ,  I was here for Naboo not pleasure .  But my number one mission was Anakin and that came before any meeting with the Senate .

" Of course Master Obi Wan but I can set some time apart from the meetings for Anakin ! " I responded rather calmly . 

Obi Wan knew that I was still a Jedi on a mission instead of a General responsible for the whole security of the planet Naboo . 

" Of course General Anakina ! " Obi Wan exclaimed as he took the remaining suitcase that was left in my hand .  His eyes pierced mine as I knew a lecture was waiting for me once we got back to my apartment. 

" Anakin ,  I will see you later today .  Anna ,  shall we ? "

He motioned for me to follow him with his free hand .  Stepping away from Anakin and walking a few steps to stand beside him .  My heartbeat began to pick up due to being beside him and what was ahead of us .

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