Protect Anna

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" Master Yoda , I do not need protection !" I stated as Mace Windu and Yoda took me into the library before Ma8ster Yoda would teach the younglings .

A few days had past , Anakin and Padme were safely on their way to Naboo, Obi Wan was tracking down the bounty , and me well , I was arguing with a nine hundred year old Jedi .

" Anakina , you are still in training for becoming strong like you once were as a jedi . It takes time and you are not quite there yet !" Mace said as I looked to see how he aged since I had been gone .

Mace Windu gave me a weird look as he sensed what I was feeling . " Anakina, eight years is a long time . But you must adjust to it quickly if you are going to save us !"

My eyes averted to the small children as they began to pile in for their daily lesson.

" Master Yoda , who is with us ?" A small brown headed not asked as he stood a couple of inches taller than Yoda .

" Padawans , meet Naboo's General Solo, she is here for our protection." Yoda exclaimed as I opened my mouth to object . But closed it quickly because I knew that Yoda was right .

" I must go , Anna , please follow Master Yoda's advice! " Master Windu said as I backed against the wall to watch their lesson .

My mind began to roam as memories of helping Yoda when I first arrived here came to mind . Teaching them with their seeker balls and head gear would ease my worries for the day .

Then I turned to see Obi Wan walk in , as he carried some sort of device in his hand .

" Younglings , younglings. A visitor we have !" Master Yoda called as the children took off their helmets .

" Hello Master Obi Wan !" The children said in unsion .

Obi Wan glanced my way as his smile disapeared for a brief moment , " I am sorry to disturb you ,Master !"

His voice was sincere as my curiosity got the better of me .

" What help can I be ?" Master Yoda asked as I walked closer to them .

" I have seemed to lost a planet described to me by an old friend. I trust him , but the planet don't show up in the archives !" Obi Wan said as I stood a few feet from them .

" Hmm, lost a planet Obi Wan has , how embarrassing. " Yoda said as I giggled along with the younglings .

" How Embarraing , close the shades . Gather around the map reader , find Obi Wan wayward planet , we shall . "

The room darkened as Obi Wan put the orb onto the map reader.

The starry sky filled the room as we looked around for them ; " It ought to be here ; since all the gravity is gathered around in the center ."

" Gravity is a silhouette remains : but all of the planets and stars disappear. " Master Yoda looked toward me as he wanted to gain imput on this .

" How can this be , A thought, anybody ? " he added as he looked to the children .

" Master , someone erased it form archives memory !" A boy exclaimed as I could not help but proud of the small padawan ..

My eyes averted to Obi Wan as our eyes locked for a brief moment then Master Yoda as he beamed with pride .

" Truly wonderful , the mind of a child !" He declared as I nodded to his words ." The padawan is right , go to the center of the gravity and find your planet ,you will !"

Watching as Obi Wan grabbed the orb ; Master Yoda and Obi Wan began to walk out of the room.

Obi Wan caught me by surprise when he turned around toward me ," Anna , come on !" He ordered as my body atomically obeyed his command toward me .

" The data must have been deleted from the archives !" Master Yoda said as I finally was able to catch up with them .

" But Master Yoda, who could empty the archives. It's that impossible! " Obi Wan injected as they glanced my way .

" Anna , did they teach of this in the future ?" Master Yoda asked as I shook my head no .

" Not really ,Master Yoda . The Jedi temple was destroyed when my father and Anakin brought back order to the force ." I answered.

" Disturbing and puzzling this is , Only a jedi could erase the data from the archive , meditate on this I will !" Master Yoda said as I wondered who would have the aurisity to erase the data from archive .

Wishing that I could remember who it was the first time when I came to the past , " Anna !" Master Yoda said as he looked straight up to me .

" Yes Master Yoda ?" I asked Obi Wan crossed his arm as I gave a weird look to as I wondered why that he remained here .

" You need protection, Anna . I know all of your concern is on Padme's protection . But protect yourself is also our prioty. " Master Yoda exclaimed as I could sense Obi Wan starting to feel concerned about me .

" Is that the reason why you faked her death ?" Obi Wan' s words surprised me as we both looked at him .

" Yes , keep her safe , we must !" Master Yoda said as I knew that I did not need protection but to find Jacen and end his mission from destroying my plan to help Anakin .

" I need to find him, Yoda ." I stated as I was not the weak little girl anymore .

" Anakina , Master Yoda is right . If you are the key to our future then you need protecting as much as you can get . " Obi Wan voice warned me not to object .

" Then who is going to watch over me ,Obi Wan . Most of the Jedi are on a mission , Anakin is with Padme , and you are tracking down a bounty Hunter. I refuse to sit here at the temple while everyone else is applying themselves to help !" I snapped as I turned on my heels and began to walk away from the two Jedi men .

Suddenly one of them made me stop by using the force .

" Anna , this is not a option . You are coming with me so I can keep an eye on you !" Obi Wan said as my heart dropped to my feet .

" I do not need a babysitter! " I retorted as I tried to break loose but I did not have enough strength .

" Anna !" His voice sounded hard as I knew that I better not argue . Because he would win in the end .

" Fine !" I said bitterly as I finally could move as he let me move .

" Good we will leave in the morning . " Obi Wan exclaimed as I nodded to him .

" I will see you then !" I replied as I started once again to walk away from them .

" No , I will go with you to your apartment this evening . I have a couple of errands to do before we go to your apartments . Until then , remain here with Master Yoda and the younglings. "

I nodded as he took a small bow to us before he walked away from us . Feeling Master Yoda's eyes on me ; I turned around to see his disapproving eyes .

" Watch your feelings ,Anna . For they will lead you to the dark side !" Not knowing what came over me as I nodded to his words .

" I apologize Master Yoda , I do not what came over me . "

He took my hand into his small one , " Anakina, lost eight years you have . Anger ,you feel to yourself !"

Tears threatened to come as all I could remember was the blackness and Obi Wan .

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