Obi Wan Kenobi

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" Stay here !" Padme mouthed as all that I could do was nod to her . My heart started to go into overdrive ; as I could hear them begin to talk .

Hundreds of questions ran through my mind as I tried to get my breathing to slow.

How was he going to act when he saw me .

" General Solo , will agree with me !" I could hear Captain Typro say as all of a sudden silence clung the air .

Finally for what seemed like a eternity ; a voice broke the tension .

" She is in your room , isn't she ?" Obi Wan's voice pierced my heart as I could hear footsteps come toward the room and toward me .

Backing up as quickly as I could ; the doors opened wide .

Anakin stood there in the doorway as he looked taken back and horrified at the same time .

" I knew you were alive !" He exclaimed as he ran up to me and wrapped his arms around me .

" Woah Anakin ,easy !" I finally could talk as his grip on me tightened .

Letting me go slowly, as I gained back my confidence and composer.

He quickly followed with me toward Padme and Captain Typro .

" Obi Wan , are you okay ?" Padme asked as my eyes fell on him. Obi Wan looked exactly the same except for his longer auburn hair and his beard .

His face was dark as his eyes pierced into mine . " Yes , I am . General So-." As he tried to say my name , but I could feel the hurt that he had toward me .

" Anna , Master Kenobi and Anakin have my protection tonight . Why don't you go to your apartment and get some rest . It has been a long day for us !" Padme said as my eyes kept glued to Obi Wan .

" Can I walk with you to your apartment? " Anakin asked as I could not help but smile at the boy .

" Padme needs you more than I ,Anakin . I will be back later tonight . " I exclaimed as I squeezed his arm .

Giving one more last look toward Obi Wan as I began to walk to the elevator with my head down .

After a quick hot shower , I was now in my black leggings and shirt. Putting my leather jacket on , I made my way back to Padme' s apartment to see how everyone was doing .

" Anna , I need your help !" Anakin suddenly bust in the elevator knocking me off my feet .

" With what ?" I asked as I looked at the nineteen year old .

" I really can't explain right now . But Master Obi Wan needs us !" Anakin said through his deep breaths .

" I'm in !" I replied as I hoped that Obi Wan had a clear mind and thinking clearly .

The elevator doors opened as we both took off at a run toward some speeders .

" Yellow !" Anakin cried as I jumped in without even thinking on the passenger's side .

Anakin hopped in the driver's side as we took off to find Obi Wan .

Finally, we found him as Anakin steered the speeder slowly so that Obi Wan could land on it .

Obi Wan grasped the back of the speeder as he held on to it for dear life .

Knowing that he needed me , I turned around and grabbed his arms tightly.

" Hang on !" I cried as I pulled him toward me .

We managed to get him in the passenger seat , as I sat in between them tightly.

I remained quiet through the horrible ride until the moment Anakin stopped the speeder .

" If you will excuse me !" Anakin said as he lept off the speeder toward the ground . Without a thought , I took the drivers seat and followed him quickly .

" Solo ,slow up !" Obi Wan cried as I put my concentrate on following Anakin .

" I cannot lose him !" I replied as Anakin landed on whoever it was that was trying to kill Padme .

Grinding my teeth , I watched Anakin as he struggled with the pilot .

His lightsaber came flying back toward us ; Obi Wan raised his arm and caught it with ease .

A few moments later , the assassin's speeder went crashing down .

" Anakin !"

" She went into the club ,Master ." Anakin panted as he looked at the both of us .

" Patience , Use the force to think. He went in there to hide , not to run !"

Looking at the boy who had turned into a man , Obi Wan was calm as he talked to Anakin.

" Yes Master !" Anakin responded as he took a deep breath .

" Try not to lose this next time ! " Obi Wan said " This weapon is your life source !"

Seeing Anakin as he started to grow aggravated at Obi Wan .

" Yes Master !"

I faded their conversation as we began to enter the club , " Why do I feel like you are going to be the death of me !" Obi Wan's words made me look at him.

I glanced my way toward Anakin as I could tell that Obi Wan 's words hurt him in a way .

" Don't say that . Your the closest thing I have to a father !" Anakin defended himself as we entered the club .

" Then why don't you listen to me?" Obi Wan asked as we walked in behind him.

" I am trying ." Anakin looked toward my way as I could feel he was conflinted over something .

My eyes began to take in the club to see if I could sense where the assasin was ," Where are you going? " Anakin asked as he stopped to where I bumped into him.

" For a drink !" I looked to Obi Wan as he made his way to the bar.

" I guess it's up to us !" I finally spoke as we started to walk around the club to see if we could find the changer .

Soon enough , the sound of a lightsaber and a woman's cry made us stop and run to where Obi Wan was .

The crowd loomed in at the bounty hunter sprawled on the floor .

" Jedi business, go back to your drinks !" Anakin said as they began to drag her out of the club.

Sensing something was off as I looked around to see if anyone was around .

" I sense something guys, I'll be back !" I stated as the two Jedi men nodded to me as they began to interrogate her .

Walking down the street , I saw a man with his hood covering his face . He looked at me as his blue eyes made me grasp as I recognized them immediately.

" Jacen!" I whispered as he began to walk toward me .

" Do not run cousin , I thought you was dead . " I stood frozen as I could not believe that he was here in the past .

" You were the reason !" I cried as it all came together to me .

Master Yoda and Master Windu knew that Jacen was here to stop me from completing my mission.

Suddenly , I was being slammed against a cold cement building with his hand on my throat .

" Weak you are ,Anna . But the Darth Lord demands for me not to ruin his plan so I will not kill you yet !" He whispered as his grip on me tightened.

" Anna !" A voice called my name as Jacen let me go as I struggled for a breath .

Anakin came running to me as he pulled me close to him . " I will get him !" Anakin stated as he started to run after him . But my hand on his elbow made him stop as I shook my head at him.

" The bounty hunter is more important ." I said as I finally could breath with ease .

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