Tell no one

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they're worried about us three little darlings."

"That's for sure. They sure do worry."

"Come on, Jacen. If you were our parents, wouldn't you worry?"

Memories of Jacen and Jaina discuss their parents when we were youger made me wish I was back there as a child . Aunt Leia rocking me to sleep before I went back home with father .

Aching of seeing my Aunt and my family again made me want to finish this mission and go home.

But Obi Wan , Anakin , Padme , and Master Yoda were here which made me torn for two places .

The desert sun hit my eyes hard as I started to come to . My eyes flipped open as all I could see was the sun and blue sky .

" Anna ! " A voice called me as I looked to my left to see Ben in his ghostly form .

" Ben , what are you doing here ? " I asked as I struggled to my feet . Nausea hit me as my feet struggled to keep standing .

" Anna , you have to go back to Corustant . " Ben replied to me a none exclusive answer as I began to look for any weapons that Jacen had left . But he had taken them with him but why did he not take me with him .

" Ben , why did Jacen not take me with him ? "

I knew that I was disoriented from being unconscious . " Ben ! " I called to him in a whisper as I turned around to face him . But no one was there as I began to question my sanity .

" Walk Anna ! " I heard someone whisper as I limped along to retrace my steps back to the camp .

It seemed like days as I struggled back to the camp . The stench of death hit my nostrils strong as I saw bodies from both sides on the bloody sandy ground . " General Solo ! " A voice cried in relief as I looked toward the tents to see Depa and Tatiana jogging toward me .

" Your alive ! " The little red haired girl cried as she wrapped her arms around me .

" Of course Ta , why would you think other wise ? " I asked her as Depa came to a abruptly stop in front of us .

" You have been missing since the battle yesterday , Anna , Master Windu thought you might have been kidnapped or killed by the Sith Lord who was after you . He called for us and Obi Wan to start a investigation on your location . " Depa answered as they helped me back to the tent .

Questions of why Jacen didn't kill me or take me to Darth Sidious loomed in my mind very heavily .

" I am perfectly alright Depa . My men are dead around me ! Call off the investigation and tell them that I am not hurt at all . " I commanded as the nausea hit me once more .

" General Solo , you are not okay ! You are covered in dirt and barely can walk . " Depa snapped as I gave her a blank stare .

The council and especially Obi Wan could not find out that I had taken Jacen on alone . They would drag me back from taking on my cousin and stopping him from destroying my mission.

" They would make me go back, Depa ! " I exclaimed as dizziness hit me with the nausea .

" Anna , at least rest for tonight . " Tatiana pleaded with me as I looked into her green eyes .

" I will do as you ask . " I muttered as the thought of a bed seemed like a good idea .

But with the sand covered all of me made me want to take a shower.

" There is a bucket of warm water in your tent , Anna . Wash all of that sand off of you before you go to bed. " Depa must have sensed me wanting to remove the sand from my skin and clothes .

" Thank you . "

I walked to my tent which was by itself in the corner of the sand dunes . As I lifted the wrap of the tent , I saw a huge bucket of water on a table beside the cot .

I removed my clothing and tossed them on another table which held my weapons and com links . I grabbed the cloth that was inside the metal bucket .

It didn't take long to remove the sand away from hair and body. My head did not even hit the pillow before I fell hard asleep .

The next morning , I woke to utter silence as I removed the blanket away from me .

Yesterday's events came flooding back as my feet hit the sandy floor .

I had to find a way to bring Jaina here to help me on this mission . Jacen would never see it coming neither would the Sith .

" Anna ! " A familiar voice called my name outside my tent .

" Give me a second . " I called to that person as I quickly got dressed . Praying that Depa or Tatiana had given food to one of the clones or soldier to give to me.

" Come in ! " I said as I pulled my hair away from my face .

I opened the flap to see someone that I never thought I would see , Anakin .

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