You and me

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A couple of days later , I made my way to the library. So I could gain a lesson on meditation with Master Yoda before I headed back to Naboo . By now , I have had two meetings with the council to explain my nine year disappearance along with Master Windu and Master Yoda .

" Anna ! "

Startled by the voice behind me : I twirled around to see who it was . To my surprise Obi Wan was a couple of feet away from me .

" Master Kenobi, what a surprise to see you ! " I responded as I realized that I had made my way to the library .

" Where is Master Yoda , he is supposed to help me with a private matter ! "

Not seeing him since we were on the planet , Geonisis made it awkward and unruly . When I had told him that I loved him and yet he left me in the hands of the Sith .

" Anna , are you even listening to me ? "

Obi Wan's question brought me out of my thoughts as I saw some aggravation starting to grow on his face .

I shook my head to answer his question .

Crossing his arms , Obi Wan rolled his eyes at me .

" I was saying that Master Yoda was required to be somewhere else so he could not make it . "

I nodded slightly disappointed because I was supposed to head back to Naboo in the morning .

" Well , I appreciate you telling me , Obi Wan . May the force be with you . "I muttered as I turned around to head back to my apartment .

" Hold up Anna, I was not done with you ! " Obi Wan commented as I heard his footsteps behind me .

" I am ! "

Suddenly again, I could not move due to him using the force on me not to move .

" Anakina, I will be teaching your meditation lesson , today . You have to start back your training if you want to complete this mission . " Obi Wan said in a stern voice as he let me move .

Turning around so I could face him , I began to feel what I had not felt in a long time .

" Anna , bury your feelings deep inside you . Feelings of anger , guilt , and despair !" His voice was softer as I locked eyes with him .

" Despair Obi ! Eight years , I have missed from everyone's life including my parents and siblings . You have no idea how much I miss them : the days at the academy , Aunt Leia brushing my hair when she would visit , listening to stories of the golden days as I helped my dad work on ships and speeders! "Tears threatened to come as did the relief of telling someone how I truly felt .

Obi Wan' s eyes widen as I let one tear slide down my cheek .

" I missed Anakin and Padme as they turned into adults. I thought as long as I woke up from it , I could get through anything in the future. But I am not strong nor brave but angry and weak! "

Locking eyes with him as he showed no sign of emotion at all ,I decided that I needed to go back to apartment for anymore embarrassment .

" I must go , Master Kenobi . I apologize for my outburt because a politician should not act that way ! "

Not giving him a chance to reply :I turned on my heels and walked away once more .

This time he did not force me to stop but followed me to my apartment.

Once we got into the elevator heading to my apartment . Obi Wan touched my elbow as he looked me in the eyes . " Anna , there is something else that is triggering your anger . I cannot sense what it is due to you putting your shield up .In order for you to grow in the force and learn the ways of the Jedi , you have to let all of your anger go! " His words were sincere and soft as I took a deep breath between the tears.

" You , Obi Wan . I am angry at myself because you had to go through nine years of pain and not have the privilege of being there when I woke up from the coma . I followed orders instead of doing what I wanted to do . I was angry with you when you left me when I did not make the jump . But now I realize that you followed the code like I did . "

Let go, I thought as I closed my eyes as I replayed the scenes through my head .

" Anna ! " Obi Wan responded as he did not let go of my elbow . Realizing we had reached my apartment ;I let Obi Wan lead me into my apartment.

Obi Wan lead me across the living room to the blue couch that was facing away from my huge windows . Neither of us say a word as he put his other arm on the opposite elbow . He took control of me as he guided me to sit on the couch.

" Anakina , you are one of the strongest Jedi that I know . Even though you cannot see it at all ! That is your weakness , Ann. Doubt and regret! " Obi Wan said as he brought his hand up to wipe the tears away from my face .

Bringing my hand up to hold his free arm that was still on my elbow, " Close your eyes , Anna . "

I followed his order as I closed my eyes . Suddenly , Obi Wan so close to me that I could feel his breath .

I knew my face was growing hot as I kept my eyes closed . A feeling was growing on me that I had not felt in years . Safe .

" Anna , open your eyes ! "

I followed his instruction as he was inches from my face , " I never hated you even for a split second . "

Standing frozen as I could feel the conflict in Obi Wan's mind .

Anna , your not a child anymore ! I closed the gap by bringing my lips down to meet his . Remembering the sweet taste of his lips drove me more crazy . Obi Wan responded to my kiss by bringing his arms around my waist . I followed his movement by wrapping mine around his neck . He pulled back for a moment so he could lift me up and carry me to the center of the couch .

He was about to come in another kiss , when my com link went off in my room.

Obi Wan was away from me in a split second . As I quickly straightened my hair and hopped off the couch .

" I must go , Anna ! " He responded as all I could do was stare at him pathetically.

Taking a deep breath as he walked through the elevator doors . For once in a long time , I was speechless .

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