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As we entered the ring , I saw four huge columns in the middle of the arena . My heart felt like it was a million to nothing ; as I prayed we make it through this .

Obi Wan took my hand into his as I could feel his eyes on me .

" We got this Anna , trust me !" Obi Wan said as the cart stopped in front of the four columns .

A native , which was a flying creature came for me first , " I hope so !" I replied to his words as the creature yanked on my chain for me to move .

Which caused my knees to buckle and fall onto the hot sand , " You son of a !" I snapped as the creature kept pulling for me to walk .

As I finally got to stand , they tied me to the pole that was next to last .

I watched as they tied Obi Wan to the very last one , I knew that we had been through alot worse than this .

Standing there , a few minutes later the doors opened up for the other two prisoners .

As the cart came closer , I literally could feel my eyes coming out of head .

Anakin and Padme . What would obsessed them to come here as my eyes glanced at Obi Wan who seemed to feel the same I was .

" I was begining to wonder if you have gotten my message !" Obi Wan stated as Anakin's eyes were just as surpirsed when he saw me .

" I retransmitted just like you requested Master , then we decide to come and rescue you !" Anakin told him as Anakin's eyes never left me .

" Good Job !" Obi Wan sarcastily said as he looked up to his poles .

Anakin was beside me , " Anna ." He called my name as our eyes locked with one anouther.

" We will get through this ,Ani . Do not worry . " I lied as I felt the same way as he did .

" Let the execution begin !" The bug creature said who was standing in the balcony stand along with Count Dooku , Jango Fett, and his son .

Looking for Jacen to see if he was standing with them . But I saw no sign of him anywhere in the balcony , " I have a bad feeling about this !" Anakin's words interrupted my look for Jacen .

Bringing my eyes back to the arena , I saw four creatures as they were pushed to us .

They were all four different species of creatures , a huge green bug with teeth was being pushed to Obi Wan .

Anakin was a beast with a huge horn , Padme had a linky grey creature who was growling at the geonosian . And mine was a small brown rat looking creature which made me cringe .

" Just try and stay focus !" Obi Wan said as I could feel his eyes on me .

I looked at Obi Wan as his eyes were full of concern for me .

I smiled as best that I could until I heard my creature closing in on me .

" What about Padme ?" Anakin asked as I managed to get a look at her .

She was climbing to be on top of her pole , " She seems to be on top of things !" Obi Wan words made me laugh as I gave encouraging smile toward Anakin .

" Anna !" Obi Wan yelled as I looked to see my creature looking at me straight in the face .

Breath , I told myself as he growled and took a lunge for me .

I dodged his attack by jumping to the left . Bringing my right leg to kick it in the face as hard as I could .

The creature wimpered in pain to the left as he lunged for me once more .

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