A new error

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" Obi Wan ! " I warned him as I gritted my teeth at him for the fifth time today on the short trip back to my apartment .

Throwing my suitcase in anger on the couch , I turned around to face the Jedi Master .

" Anna , all that I am saying is to beware of your emotions . They can betray you and lead you down the dark side ! " Standing with his arms folded a few feet away from me . I put my hands on my hips as I gave him the same look that he was giving me .

" Do you not realize that I am twenty - one years old , right! " I exclaimed as my words caught him off guard . Obi Wan raised one of his brows while he stroked his beard .

" Since you want to be perchise , Anna . You are technically twenty- seven ! " Obi Wan said as he started to close the gap that was between us .

" Twenty-one , Obi Wan! I stopped aging five years into the coma . Or that is what Senator Amidala told me when I questioned her about it ."

Obi Wan's eyes filled with sadness for a brief moment as he picked my arm up with his hand , " I remember Anna , I was there ! "

If I could say anything more awkward at the perfect moment : it would have been now . Raising my free hand to cover his that was holding my arm : made some of his sadness go away .

" Obi Wan , when did Master Yoda and Master Windu tell you that I died ? " A question that I knew was going to make the conversation more awkward .

But I needed to know because the others would not tell me. No matter how hard I tried to get it out of them .

Several minutes or what seemed like it passed in silence . All I could hear and sense was my breathing and thoughts.

Man, can I breath very heavy! "

Suddenly , a smile appeared on Obi 's face as I knew he sensed my feelings .

" Five years after you slipped into the coma ! " Obi Wan responded as his eyes locked deep into mine ., " Anna , did you sense or hear anything that I said to you while you were in the coma ? "

Tracing myself to the darkness knowing that it was all that I could remember when I woke up. Days would pass before I would fall asleep without being scared that I would not wake up .

" Dreams, Obi Wan ! Of you . "

They did not stay long each day ; but they made those long eight years bearable .

" We were always in Tatioone where we first met ! " I exclaimed as I saw some life come back into Obi Wan's eyes

" Your were sixteen and always wearing your white pantsuit ."

His words left me speechless as I knew that I had told no one of the dreams . How could he know that I was so young and which color my clothes were . Unless ! But there was no way the force could link our dreams into one .

" Anna , the force is life and so full of wonder that we have yet to discover all of it . Anchor ! " Obi Wan said as I had not been called that in years .

How easily I had put it aside due to Naboo's affairs that year . Or as I tried to learn everything all over again with the force and knowing how to use it .

" There are several matters we need to discuss ! " Obi Wan let go of his hold on me while he took several steps back .

" You mean the kiss . " I responded as I felt like I got the breath knocked out of me .

He nodded at the words , as tension started to refill the room .

Breathe Anna ! Everything is going to be okay .

I took a deep breath before I responded to his nod , " Obi , I am not assuming anything that is on your mind . But if you feel like that it was a mistake then it is forgotten . But if not the-. "

My eyes fell to the floor as I waited for his input on the whole matter . Which was not easy for me to do since I want to know the answer right away to everything .

Suddenly , some of the tension left the room as I gained enough confidence to relook him in the eyes.

" Then what Anna ? What if I said that the kiss was not a mistake .

For the first time in a long time , I did not what to say . Before the coma , I always could tell Obi Wan what was on my mind or ask him anything . But now eight years later ; I could not bring myself to do it .

"General Solo, are you there ! " A hologram of Captain Typro appeared suddenly before I had a chance to speak .

" Yes Captain , I am here . " I turned around and walked to the table to pick up my comlink .

Feeling Obi Wan standing close behind me made unable to concrete properly ., " Anakina , Queen Jamilla request to know your answer about the political positin that she wants you to do . " He exclaimed as I signed in frustration at the Naboo queen .

It had not been that long since the sentient meeting or Padme tried to talk me into it .

" I do not have time to concrete on that and my business here , Captain . Tell Queen Jamilla that I am still over security and I will have her answer when I return back to Naboo . " I responded as I shut the link off and tossed it on the couch.

" You have became very wise as Naboo's general . " Obi Wan said as I turned around to face him .

He was smiling as he had his arms crossed , " I do not believe so , because I cannot put their priority first ! "

I motioned him to follow me to sit on the couch . Instead of standing up all night ., " Anna , what will your answer be ? If you become a politician than it will be difficult to be with Anakin . " Obi Wan asked as I could sense his worry about my mission .

I had already knew my answer since the beginning but I did not know how to tell Padme or Queen Jamilla . They had done so much for me in the past couple of years .

"I always knew that I could not become a politician , Obi Wan . The force is strong in my family and I wanted to be a Jedi just like my Father and Anakin . " I took a seat on the small white couch due to my feet hurting from these old boots .

" Then why are you stalling with telling them when you already know your answer ? " He asked as he sat down beside me .

I turned sideways so I could see him face to face , " Because Obi, they have done so much for me over the years . "

I slumped back against the couch so I could relax my eyes for a brief minute.

" You still have not answered my question , Solo ? " A musing voice cracked through the silence as I sat up to look at the Jedi .

This was going to be a long week .

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