He speaks

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Knowing that it would be a few hours till Obi Wan would come back to escort me to my apartment . I decided to head to the library to see if had changed any since I had been gone .

Jedis and padawans passed me by as they continued about their day .

Smiles came from the children talking to their master or to one another .

I suddenly felt out of place among the Jedi; Master Yoda keeps trying to convince me that I am still a Jedi .

But to me , I had not been one since the day I woke up from my coma.

" Anna !" A voice exclaimed as I turned around to see a young red hair fourteen year old girl with a huge smile on her face .

" I can't believe that you are really alive . I heard of the rumors but I did not believe then till now !" As I suddenly recognized her as Tatiana, the six year old girl who I grew to love and adore .

" Tatiana !" I exclaimed as I threw my arms around her since she was the same height as I was .

" I am so glad that you are ,alive !" Tataina replied as I could sense someone was behind me.

" Master Kenobi ! " the girl added as she quickly let me go and walked toward him.

" Ta, you have a grown a foot since the last time that I seen you ." Obi Wan's words were loving as he embraced her . How I missed his soft voice and touch , but the truth was I would never hear him that way again .

" I see that you are with General Solo ?" Obi Wan stated as I turned around to face the both of them .

" Yes , I had to see if the rumors were true . " Tatiana replied as I forced a smile to her .

Suddenly , I felt out of place as they continued their conversation on how Tataina was growing stronger with the force .

Feeling my feet move as I began to walk away from them and toward the library .

I had to get away from everything even it was for a minute or two . Knowing that Obi Wan would come find me soon .

" Anna !" A voice was calling me as I stopped autimoically as I turned around to see Obi Wan with his arms crossed .

" Yes Master Kenobi ?" I asked our eyes locked with one another .

" Where do you think you were going ?" Obi Wan asked as he walked a few more steps toward me .

" You were busy talking with the padawan . And I did not want to be in the way !" I answered .

Giving me a confused look , Obi Wan shook his head at me , " Anakina , we have to leave early in the morning . So I suggest that I escort you to your apartment so you can get some rest !"

" Isn't eight years long enough !" I retorted as I regreted the words as soon as they slipped out of my mouth .

But the truth was , I was sick and tired of being treated like I was made of glass. Everyone , including Master Yoda and Mace Windu made sure that I did not get hurt in any way possible . I recieved some training since I woke up .

" Anakina , look at me !" Obi Wan's voice brought me out of my thoughts .

Looking to see that we were on the Jedi temple steps , I looked around the city to see people go about their lives .

" What is it , Master Kenobi ?" I asked as I twiddle with my fingers from nervousness.

" Please look at me ,Anna !" His soft voice broke my heart as I finally gathered enough courage to look him in the eyes .

But before he could speak , I sensed a presence coming near us . Looking up to see Captain Typro as a concerned look appeared on his face .

" General Solo , there is a urgent matter about the guy who attacked you the other night !"

His words sent fear to my heart ; " What about him ?"

" He is with the Bounty Hunter who is trying to kill the Senator . And you are on his list to kill , as well . "

Jacen was a idiot , if they kill our grandmother then we would cease to exist .

" Thank you Captain , Obi Wan Kenobi is appointed to keep me safe . Stay here and be safe !" I replied as we said good-byes to one another .

" Master Kenobi , keep her safe . General Solo is a major adestate to Naboo and her security. " Captain Typro implied before he walked away from us .

We stayed silent till the elevator doors opened up to my small apartment .

Walking in , all I wanted was a shower and my bed . " Anna , you know who your attacker is . So does Master Yoda and Master Windu . "

I nodded as I took a seat on the blue couch near the window . "It is Jacen , who is my cousin .He does not want anything to change at all and that is why he is here to kill me . " Tears threatened to come as Obi Wan sat down close beside me .

" Does he not understand that Anakin might still be alive if I complete the mission . Or the fact , if he kills Padme or Anakin we will cease to exist . "

" Anna , breathe ! You will get through this alive along with Padme and Anakin ." Obi Wan laughed as I could not help but smile at myself .

" I sound a little crazy , don't I ?" I asked as his eyes locked with mine .

" A little !" Obi Wan answered as he scooted closer to me .

My eyes locked with his , as I felt the pain he had felt for the past eight years .

" Anna , you better go shower and get ready for bed ." He said as I nodded to his words .

" You are right ; goodnight Obi Wan !" I replied as he gave me one more trying smile before I walked toward my room.

" Goodnight Anna !"

After a long hot shower , I put my nightgown on and crawled beneath my covers .

Knowing that the next weeks was going to be the toughest one yet .

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