The Death

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Ciel POV
I woke to Sebastian shaking my shoulder lightly. He was still in my bed, he was in his clothes, he was just cuddled up to me. Everything was ready, breakfast was ready, my tea had been steeped all that was different was him being there beside me. All that was different was that I was his and he was mine.
"Good morning Ciel." I sat up and he stood up.
"Good morning Sebastian."
"For this morning tea you have the choice of poached salmon or scones. What will you have?"
"Scones and is this mornings tea earl grey or orange pecoke?"
"Neither my young lord, English breakfast tea." There was a knock at my door and I pulled the blanket up over my bare chest.
"Enter." I spoke loud enough so the person outside the door could hear. All my servants marched in.
"Want to explain what we saw last night?" Bardroy said staring at Sebastian. Mey-Rin held her head down and Finny looked real nervous.
"I-I'm sorry young master." Finny spoke a look of guilt and regret in his eyes. "Mey-Rin wouldn't tell us what was going in and we got curious so she told us just to look in your room at that exact moment and and we saw something we shouldn't have. And boy Sebastian looked mighty scary."
"Very well apology accepted."
"One more thing, the reason I looked scary was because I don't appreciate other people eyeing what is mine. Especially like that." Sebastian said handing me my tea.
"I understand you have questions, there isn't a better time then right now so ask." I stated sipping the hot liquid.
"How longs this been going on for?" Bard asked re lighting his cigarette.
"Almost a month." I replied sipping my tea.
"You waited this long to tell us?! And is this a fling? Because Sebastian you know you shouldn't play with the young masters emotions!"
"Not a 'fling' no the young master and I are most certainly a couple." Sebastian stated smiling. "Now that will be enough questions for today, the young master needs to dress and you are all not permitted to see him that way also you all shouldn't be here because there is much to be done for our guests this afternoon for the costume ball held at the manor. So that Being said, get to work!"
"Yes mister Sebastian!" They shouted and ran out of my room shutting the door lightly behind them. Sebastian leaned down to my face to kiss me and I'm I cupped his cheeks. We were centimetres apart when... I... Sneezed. In his face. He wasnt disgusted by it, he actually started laughing.
"You have received a letter from the queen. The murders continue. She requests you visit the undertaker."
"Yes too bad he wasn't there last Friday but I do have that ball today what time is it?"
"Not until 7pm young master."
"Then we can go right after I'm dressed and such yes?"
"Of course but I will have to leave the fools in charge."
"They're Phantomhive servants. Just stress for them to take their time." I giggled lightly and Sebastian smiled at me.
"You know you have the most beautiful smile Ciel?"
"Thank you Sebastian. You know you have the most beautifully sexy eyes, that look like they're undressing me?" I laughed and so did he.
"Well I do need to undress you."
"Alright." I sat up, turning my body toward the edge of my bed. He began undoing my nightshirt buttons. Which by the way my nightshirts are indeed just Sebastian's old shirts. I was completely naked and Sebastian stopped for a moment to stare at me.
"Merry Christmas to me.." He said under his breath. I blushed hard enough that he could see. He cupped my face with his hand and brushed his thumb over my red cheek.
"You're so cute. I love cats as you know, but there is one thing I love more then them do you know what?"
"No. Guess again."
"Bossing people around? Sex? Annoying people?" I said giggling at myself.
"No its you. I love you more then anything in every universe and dimension."
"I love you too." I leaned in and kissed him lightly.
"Let's not get to carried away, I have to dress you." I made a whimpering noise and whined but he was persistent to dress me and get me ready for the day.


"Undertaker are you about?" I said shouting into the dimly lit building.
"Ciel Phantomhive do I finally have the pleasure of fitting you for one of my coffins?"
"No, I have questions about the recent William Smith murders."
"You know my price Phantomhive so let's not waste time. Give me the gift of true laughter pleasssssssse?"
"I can handle this young master. Please wait outside and do not attempt to listen to this please." Sebastian spoke removing his glove with his teeth. I walked out into the sunshine and waited outside the door. It only took a few seconds before I could here the eruptions of laughter and the door opened with Sebastian standing at it. He had a smile on his face.
"Come in inside now Ciel."
"Don't call me that in public otherwise I'd be calling you some pretty strange things." He held open the door and as I walked in he pinched my ass. I turned around still walking and waved my pointer finger at him warningly. I love Sebastian and I feel awful about keeping it a secret, keeping us a secret but it would look horrible on the Phantomhive name or possibly ruin it. A Phantomhive shouldn't be gay let alone dating his butler. My father had a wife, my grandfather had a wife, my great grandfather had a wife, every Phantomhive has had a wife. But then there's the youngest Phantomhive. Gay. Dating his Butler. Dating a demon. But I love him so I really couldn't care less about the past Phantomhives but it's still my job to up hold the reputation.
"Young master are you alright?"
"I- I'm fine. Sorry, what were you saying then?"
"My recent customers have all had there cheekbones designed with a particular pattern. Also they were all William Smiths, the pattern was A half loop and then a line with a swirl at the nose. It looks like a tattoo in blood. hE HE HE HE!" He picked up a bone cookie in his bag and took a bite of it. "That's all I know boys. Hopefully the next time you come I'll be able to size you for a coffin, Phantomhive." We left the undertakers place and hopped into a carriage. The ride was slow but different somehow.
"Sebastian get a hold of our prime suspects immediately."
"Yes my young lord. I will see you back at the manor then?"
"Yes. Return in one piece."
"Of course." And with that he jumped out of the moving carriage door. I suddenly felt lonely without him by my side. Since we've gotten together I've been wanting him by my side all the time. When I sleep, when I eat, but since we've gotten together he has been. He's really always been there with me just this time I can finally express whatever I'm feeling towards him and he can too. I'll be eating breakfast when he kisses my cheek randomly. I love it though. I love him.

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