The Light

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Ciels POV
As expected when I arrived home Sebastian was already there with our list of prime suspects. After droning on and on he finally got to the good part.
"The prime suspects are, Ryku Hishtima, Grell Sutcliffe, Riko Hishtima, Rankei Terhahg, Raler Woloshe, and finally Ree Fruterit." I was in complete shock.
"So does this mean they could all be working together. I mean the siblings could be finding others with the same desire to kill with them, Grell could have noticed and it could have been doubled by a reaper. Although we can't be sure so we either have to take them into custody or watch their every move. Now under the circumstances you could keep track of the siblings and find where they are going, assuming we can find them. The more difficult part is if we are wrong and someone should see you the Phantomhive name could get in a lot of trouble. Totally off topic but have you seen Snake?"
"Yes he came out this morning for breakfast and I found one of his snakes last night in the bathtub." He giggled lightly at this. "What will your action plan be my young lord?"
"I think we should follow the lower rank ones first for example Raler Woloshe. Also I've noticed all their names start with R."
"I did not find a connection to that."
"Well let's put this aside. We are having a ball tonight yes? Oh my how could I have forgotten?!"
"What's wrong Ciel?"
"Elizabeth! She's coming tonight I have to break up with her." I felt a sense of dread and guilt. Elizabeth is a close childhood friend I wouldn't want to lose her but I must end the engagement  I can't keep cheating on her with Sebastian. She loved me, she's going to cry, a lot.
"Everything will be fine Ciel. You can do this." I was at my desk my palms down on the wood. Sebastian slid his hand around my waist and kissed my cheek. "I believe in you." The angry look on my face quickly turned into a smile as I turned toward him and pulled him down to kiss me. Our lips collided and he lifted me up. I put my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I kissed him again, these kisses were not full of lust, need, and want but passion, want, and love. I brushed my nose against his smiling and kissed him again.
"I love you Sebastian."
"I love you too Ciel."
"I love you too Ciel." Sebastian and I turned our heads to the doorway where Elizabeth stood tears running down her cheeks. I was shocked and so was Sebastian but he had the good sense to put me down.
"Eliz- Elizabeth! It's not what it looks like please let me explain."
"O - ok. How, why, and when did this happen?" She sounded so weak. She's crushed. I thought to myself walking toward Elizabeth slowly.
"I'll explain please just sit down." She sat in the chair at the front of my desk. I sat behind my desk in my office chair. Sebastian stood beside me.
"Well, this isn't how I wanted to tell you but basically the engagement is off. I didn't want you to see us like that but yes we've been together for nearly a month. I'm sorry Lizzy. I want to still be friends, I just can't be with you that way. I'm so sorry Lizzy."
"You finally called me that. Promise me if we're friends, you'll call me Lizzy."
"I promise."
"Ciel, I still love you. I wanted to surprise you while you were busy in your office. I will probably always love you Ciel. All I wanted in life was for you to love me too but I can tell now that even though you care for me, you don't love me the way I love you. You love Sebastian the way I love you. Promise me we will always be best friends?"
"I promise you we will always be friends. Lizzy I need you to keep Sebastian and I a secret. I need you to keep me being gay a secret. Now, would you rather we tell people about the engagement ending or do you want to keep it up for a few more weeks until we can do it without any commotion?"
"I want to tell them now. The engagement is over, it would be stupid to pretend and lie to myself and everyone else." I have never heard something so.. Negative come out of her mouth. "I-I'm going to go change into my costume, please excuse me."
"Bye, Lizzy." She stood up and turned to the door. She left the room and I leaned my head back and groaned. "Oh god that was difficult." Sebastian got down on his knees and turned my office chair toward him.
"Well at least it's over with and you can do other things of importance."
"So can you. Something you could be doing is me?" He kissed me and I kissed back lustfully.
"Oh Ciel," he said in between kisses on my neck "you're" another kiss "so" he said dragging the o "Addictive." I felt like I was losing track of the fact that I had a guest there and a ball in only 3 hours.
"Seba-Sebastian w-we c-c-can't d-do -th-this."
"Oh and why not?"
"Pe-people are h-here." He stopped sucking on my collarbone and gave a disappointed look.
"You're right. There is still much to be done." He stood up and I whined.
"Dear god I wish we could continue. I love you so much and I'll make it up to you I promise."
"You better. I love you Ciel."
"I love you too." He exited and I spent 2 hours doing paperwork until Sebastian arrived back to me.
"It's time to get ready for the costume ball my lord. Guests will be arriving shortly."
"Yes I suppose so." I stood from my office chair and walked out of the room Sebastian following closely behind. We walked down the hall past Elizabeth's room and I instantly felt guilty as I could hear her talking to her maid about the engagement breaking off.
"-it's unbelievable. I thought I was finally getting through to him. But no then he breaks off the engagement and cheats on me."
"He cheated on you Lady?"
"With who if you don't mind me asking."
"Some maid in a different estate. Black hair and Crimson eyes. She's beautiful. More beautiful then I'll ever be."
"Now don't say that lady. You're stunning Ciel doesn't know what a great girl he's missing but out on." Sebastian Placed a hand on my shoulder and I sighed. I grasped his hand intertwining our fingers and we walked to my quarters. Sebastian let go and sped ahead of me to open the door for me.
"Here you are young mater." I entered and he shut the door. I walked to my wardrobe and looked at the few costumes I had inside.
"All these costumes are blander then the driest desert." I sighed.
"Well young master that's because I already had your outfit planned for you. If you'll turn to your bed for me." I turned around and was surprised to see that Sebastian was very correct about my costume being set out already. It was a pirates outfit. It peeked my interest when there laid a black rose in the right breast pocket of the Pirates jacket.
"Sebastian what might this be?" I did nicely pointed at the rose. I reminded myself at the time of that brat Alois.
"A little apology."
"For what?"
"Getting carried away with my behaviour of course. I put our romantic relationship ahead of our butler/master relationship, and for that I am sorry young master." I'm starting to despise the word. Master. Especially when we're alone.
"Call me Ciel." I almost sounded as if j was begging for him to do so. I'm so pathetic. I can't describe in words how heartbreaking it is when he calls me Master when we're alone.
"Very well, Ciel." I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed his face and kissed him passionately. He kissed back and I was so relieved. Don't worry, he still loves me. I thought breaking our kiss.
"You still love me?" I said t more of a question then a statement which I wasn't to fond of.
"What kind of question is that? Of course I love you Ciel." He kissed me lightly again and I smiled.
"If it means anything I love you too."
"I'm well aware." I giggled lightly and sat down in my bed beside the costume. I sat patiently as he undressed me. It only took very few minutes before I was re dressed in my costume. We had plenty of time.
"Sebastian are you finished the preparations for tonight's ball?"
"Almost, I just need to prepare the entertainment for the guests."
"Same entertainment at the lord Druits ball?"
"Hmm maybe remind of what you wore that day?"
"You're so cheeky."
"Why Ciel just a little jest is all. But indeed that will be my act. Maybe we can incorporate the things we learned from the circus yes?"
"Oh well maybe if snake would like he would do an act for us?" 
"'We would love too!' Says Emily. I agree as well. 'We have not performed since we left the circus could be a nice treat.' Says Oscar. Yes could be enjoyable. " Snake said from our door. (Spoilers for book of circus and book of murder! -Right Snake, if you are unaware who snake is it is a person that Ciel met in book of circus, snake is a man who controls and speaks to snakes. After book if circus he was left with no family as Ciel and his servants killed them all. He was later discovered in the next OVA (book of murder) where his snake murders someone sleeping in Ciels bed, after Sebastian catches him Ciel lies and says that he wants to help snake find the rest of the circus folks. Ciel then offers to have snake live with him. Snake now lives in the Phantomhive manor.) Our. I meant mine. I'm glad he's excited.
"Well that's excellent news, thank you Snake." I said flashing a small smile from my bed. "Is there something you would like to acquire to?"
"Yes we came to check what time the ball was at. 'A ball sounds like much fun!' Says Emily. Yes they usually are."
"The ball begins at 7 sharp."
"We best be preparing then."
"Yes indeed, ask the others for a hand, have them assemble whatever necessary for your act."
"Right ok. Thank you my lord."
"Thank you." I said so nicely it didn't even sound like me.
"Thank you." He left my room and I smiled at a still knelt down Sebastian. "Soooo we've still got a good half hour before the ball. Wanna I don't know..." I trailed off embassies my the thought of making out before I'm supposed to face friends and family.
"Are you suggesting we 'make out' before the ball Ciel?" He said this smiling as though I was being ridiculous.
"Not if you don't want to."
"You sound like a hormonal teenager." He said giggling at the thought.
"Damnit I am!" I leaned down and kissed him lightly. He slowly stood until he could get himself on my bed. I placed my hand on his chest and he pulled away as I expected. "The door." I breathed. He smiled and in a flash the door was closed and locked. I kissed him again and that's how we spent the next 25 minutes. Me sitting on his lap kissing him. After the 25 minutes were up though he pushed my chest lightly back from him.
"The ball. Guests are arriving."
"Fine." I sat beside him and he stood from my bed me following his lead. After a minute of him rearranging my costume we both started to head downstairs. Elizabeth was already down there although she was being very quiet. I wish she didn't know about Sebastian and I. I waited in the upper hall with Sebastian peeking my way around the corner every so often to count the guest number. After an estimated of 15 minutes most of the guests arrived and I was prepared to make an entrance, when I was cornered by my servants.
"Lady Elizabeth looks sad my lord!" Mey Rin spoke.
"Cheer her up my lord!" Finnion spoke.
"What did you do?!" Bard questioned.
"Oh, No and nothing. Now get out of my way." I turned the corner Sebastian at my side. "Hello! It's a pleasure to see you all tonight I am the host and head of the Phantomhives, Ciel. I hope you all enjoy yourselves tonight but not to much!" They all erupted in laughter. Stupid people. Being an upperclassman I've heard that joke a thousand times. It was never funny. And with that I walked down the stairs and people created their own conversations with everyone around them, most people were dancing, as it was a ball and the classical music was pleasant to the ear. As soon as it started I was bombarded with the same questions from many different people.
"So the engagements off? What happened?"
"We just weren't the right couple."
"If you'll excuse us we have socializing  to attend to." Sebastian would say as I walked away. He knew exactly what to do. He always did.

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