The Living

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Ciels POV
I sat at the front table to the middle centre where Snake stood. All the snakes on his body would not bite him and they were well trained. After he moved in he told them not to attack me, Sebastian, Mey-Rin, Finny and Bard. He truly was amazing. All my guests were well from the incredible food Bard and Sebastian prepared and let's not forget Snakes act. Although the entertainment after his was what I was most interested in. Sebastian's act. After Snake was finished it only took very few minutes for Sebastian's act to be set up. He did the sword trick that he did at the Vicounts ball and some acrobatics. Things I had seen him do many times but now they were entertaining. Now his tricks amused me much more. He amused me much more.


As Sebastian did up my night shirt I ran my fingers through his hair.
"How is your hair so soft?"
"I have no clue My lord. Maybe I use the right conditioner."
"It's Ciel."
"Sorry, Ciel." He said my name very seductively. I leaned down and kissed him, it didn't take awhile for me to be sitting on his lap unbuttoning his shirt. Until we were interrupted by a snake. I felt something slimy on my lap, moved away from Sebastian, and looked down. The see a reptile slithering across my crotch. I immediately jumped away from Sebastian and fell on the ground. I should also mention I had screamed "What the fuck!" The impact of the hardwood on my bottom was dreadful. It hurt badly, really badly. "Fuck!" I screamed and in a flash I heard multiple knocks on my door. Sebastian was already at my side helping me on my feet. "Come in!" All my servants rushed in,
"Are you alright my lord?"
"What happened?"
"What did you do to him?" I didn't pay any attention to their questions.
"SNAKE!" I screamed angrily. I looked at Sebastian. "Did you get rid of that bloody reptile?"
"Well my lord I tied it you see. It's still on your bed it's just unable to move." And with that snake was at the door.
"'Yes my lord?' Says WilliamLongsWorth."
"One of your snakes was in my bed! Please keep them in your room!" I yelled and he walked quickly to my bed.
"Ah yes, Oscar." He held the reptile in his hands and untied him. "'Apologies my lord. I did not come to bite you. I came to tell you something.' Says Oscar. 'What?' Says Emily. Yes what might that be? 'I must talk to the lord alone.' Says Oscar. Yes well he will need a translator. I must be there yes? 'Very well.' Says Oscar. Well Ciel?"
"Fine." I walked out to the hall behind Snake and his snakes. Once the door was shut and we were standing alone in the hall he began. The snake hissed multiple times.
"'I see what's been going on with you and the butler. I came to warn you that before she went missing, I did catch Sebastian and Beast together. Sleeping together. Goodnight my lord.' Says Oscar. 'Wait what's going on?' Says WilliamLongsWorth. Yes I am also confused. 'A secret I can't tell.' Says Oscar. Very well."
"Well, thank you. Goodnight Snake, WillamLongsWorth, Emily and Oscar. I'll see you tomorrow."
"'Goodnight my lord.' Says Emily. 'Good night my lord.' Says WilliamLongsWorth. 'Goodnight my lord.' Says Oscar. Good night Ciel says well me." And with a nod I walked back into my room. I left the door open.
"Everyone out." 3 of the 4 left. Sebastian stayed. "I said everyone." He gave me a look of mix of a confusion and shock.
"Um alright very well. Pleasant dreams my lord." And with that he left. He had sex wth beast? I mean I can't be mad can I? If he hadn't slept with her then we would've never solved the case. Or maybe, just maybe, he enjoyed it. Wouldn't be surprised. There must've been another way. Maybe he just thought of the easiest, or maybe he thought he'd bring himself pleasure throughout the case. I stared at my bed. The one he just sat on, the one where he told me he loved me. That's when I remembered the demons way,
'A demon will seduce and lure it's pray with sweet words and whispering until it's cornered and they can take whatever it wants from its prey. Then leave it stranded and hopeless.' Funny enough it's true. He lured me into my own trap. I bet the only reason he kisses me is to get closer to it, to smell the aroma. Like cookies baking in the oven. I bet he used the demons way to get Beast in bed with him. The thought disgusts me. I hate it. I hate this. I hate myself. I hate her. But hell I could never say I hate him. He was following my orders. Nothing sacrificed can ever be re-gained. I recall him saying the day we met. Well I need to sleep whether I want to touch where he was or not. So I won't. I walked over to my bed in shame and pulled my duvet off. And with that I lied down on the floor beside my bed and slept very uncomfortably. Will loathes overtime, Sebastian loathes dogs, I loathe when my common sense takes a nap.

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