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Sebastian POV
"Let's play a game!" Ciel said excitingly.
"What would you like to play?"
"I don't know."
"How about the one you played with the man that visited the night we went to the circus?"
"Did you bring it?"
"If I didn't bring a game suited for my master then-"
"What kind of butler would you be?"
"My lord would you please put your head in between your knees, I just saw the ladies, they have a sniper rifle."
"Tell me when."
"In three, two, one." He ducked and I caught the bullet swiftly. "If you will excuse me." I didn't think we would be so lucky to go home so soon.

"Oh bassy! How you run so amazes me!" I tried my best to ignore the ginger voice behind me. In only a few seconds I had swiftly cracked the necks of four out of six suspects. Grell and Ryku were they only ones breathing.

It's a shame the young master makes me fight the two. The woman can be easily taken care of but the reaper has proven to be strong fighting against me.

Which is always a surprise.

"Bassy! I cannot let you kill the last one!"
"And why might that be?" I said turning toward Ryku who was in the process of jumping on my back. I flicked her rubcage and she flew into a wall. Five out of Six.

"Sebastian! Don't tell William! Oh he'll be so angry with me!"

"Why with that flimsy thing you call a weapon I can easily eliminate you instead."

"Excuse me? Is that how you treat a lady?!"

"Sure." I tossed my jacket into the blade of the reaping tool. He knew this routine. He fell on his knees and held on tightly.

Swiftly going from behind I snatched the chainsaw and removed the coat.

"Now I wonder if your boss will show up again this time, or maybe he'll leave you for dead?"

"Sadly I can't," Just in time. "This thing can't die other wise I get in trouble as well."

"Keep better watch if your pet will you?"

"Maybe you should say that to that master of yours?"

"He keeps me reeled in just fine thank you."

"I heard you've taken a deeper liking to him, how foul."

"At least I don't have to fornicate with that ginger freak."

"William are you going to let him talk to me like that?!"

"Until this is sorted, yes. You're more trouble then it's worth. Let's get out of this trashes presence."

"You are so forgetful." I threw the chainsaw aiming for the back of his head. He sadly caught it and continued walking beside Grell.

The worst couple on planet earth,

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