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"But who woke Mikael up?" asked Klaus.

"Katherine, in order to prevent you from coming after her. Apparently, Elijah has found her and the latest doppelgänger and has already had a not-so-successful run in with them. But they are not the problem right now. Katherine has been driven out of commission by Mikael himself and as for Elijah, I'll cast a spell so that he cannot track you down. Now, let's focus on Mikael, then we'll get your big brother back. Cool?" said Bella.

"I have no idea how to thank you for all the stuff you're doing for me. No one has ever done anything for me without wanting something in return" said Klaus.

"Hey! Don't get mushy on me. We're friends and this what friends do- stand with each other in times of trouble. And if you're really worried about thanking me, well, you're a thousand years old. Maybe you can thank me some really good stuff from your wine cellar after we kick Mikael's ass. What say?" said Bella.

"I like it. Anyways what are we going to do about Mikael?" asked Klaus.

"I say, it's time to close the book. Instead of him coming after you, we go after him. I know you want to kill him. I have a better idea. I have a weapon that works just like those daggers you have, except, when daggered with a weapon of my creation, Mikael will be writhing in constant pain and agony. He'll be in desiccated form, unable to act, but in constant agony. Then we can put his body in a coffin and spell it shut, just like the way you have done with your mother. What do you think?" asked Bella.

"I think I love your evil version. Let's Mikael a taste of his own medicine. He truly deserves to rot in hell for what he has done to me. What I love more is that get to create his own personal hell" smirked Klaus.

"Great! Then let me cast the spell on Elijah and locate Mikael, and then, we can get going" said Bella.

-Page Break-

"So, Mikael is still in Charleston, nursing himself back to health. Spell has been cast and Elijah can't find us and here, is the weapon" said Bella as she got in Klaus' car.

After Klaus closed Bella's door, he got in the driver's seat.

"So this weapon is your creation?" asked Klaus.

"Yep, and can we please save the small talk for later. I want to get over with this fast, I have a deal to close" said Bella.

"Okay, but we need to catch a plane and all, so how exactly do you plan on closing the deal today?" enquired Klaus.

"woah, woah, woah! Did you really think that we are going to the airport to catch a plane?" fired Bella.

"Oh yeah! Then what exactly are doing in the car and more importantly how do you plan to get us there?" fired back Klaus.

Suddenly, everything went dark and when it became bright again, Klaus and Bella found themselves staring at a sign saying "Charleston".

Klaus looked at the sign and then at Bella with an open mouth and he repeated this twice or thrice.

"What?" asked Bella.

"You... us.... Here... wait....How" said a confused Klaus at which Bella laughed hysterically.

"Mighty Klaus at a loss for words. Something we don't get to see daily" said Bella, while Klaus collected himself and glared playfully at Bella.

"Okay, like I said I don't have time, I need to close a deal. Henceforth, I teleported us. And as for the car, it's to get us from one point to another. I don't exactly plan on running around the city. Now if you're done with the question, MOVE" said Bella.

"Yeah! You kidnap me, teleport me and now shout at me. I have killed people for just staring at me" fired Klaus.

"A. I did not kidnap you, you came willingly. B. We are doing this to help you. C. I teleported us to speed up the process. D. I am immortal. E. Don't you ever threaten me. I am stronger than you. F. I thought we were friends and that gives me every right to shout at you especially when you're out of bounds or acting dumb" fired back Bella.

"Sorry" muttered Klaus.

"Excuse me?" smirked Bella.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have threatened you when all you're doing is helping me. And for God's sake stop smirking and don't recount my apology to anyone, I have a reputation to maintain" said Klaus.

"Got it bro" said Bella.

"Now start driving. Mikael is at the pub round the corner." Said Bella as Klaus started the car.

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