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Niklaus looked at Bella for assurance and in return Bella nodded, confirming it was true.

"Alright. My turn now. Our siblings are absolutely safe, daggered but safe. I always carry them around with me. I can never even in my wildest dream imagine about putting them in danger's way. When you didn't catch up with us, Rebekah and I, we prayed and hoped that you were alive and well and someday we would see you in a club or a road side café. In 1920's, we met with a Salvatore in Chicago. He was known as Ripper. Rebekah fell for him and soon Mikael caught up on us. Well, Rebekah being Rebekah refused to let go of him so I daggered her and escaped. Then, I started this rumour of dumping their bodies at the bottom of the ocean in the hope that some of our enemies might back off. After a few years, I heard that you had turned against me. No matter, I was relieved you were alive" said Niklaus.

"You know what! You brothers catch up. I'm leaving. After all, I have to go to work tomorrow" said Bella.

"You can stay, my lady. You are very much welcome to be a part of this conversation" said Niklaus.

"Yes, Bella. Stay. For once I agree with my brother" said Niklaus.

"Nah. I'm going. By the way thank you" said Bella getting up.

"Alright. Good Night. Drop by tomorrow. We need to seal away Mikael's body anyway" said Niklaus.

"Sure" said Bella grabbing her coat and making her way towards the door.

"It's okay. You carry on. I can show myself out" said Bella to Elijah, who had got up to escort her.

"Please, my lady. It is no trouble let me assure you" said Elijah.

In the background Niklaus huffed and rolled his eyes to which Bella replied, "Chivalry isn't dead. Learn, you asshole".

"The feminist in me disagrees" replied Niklaus.

"Right" said Bella.

At the door, Elijah kissed Bella's hand and bid her good night. Before leaving, Bella added "Give him a chance. He really wants to make amends", to which Elijah nodded.

After bidding Bella goodbye, Elijah returned to the living room.

"How exactly did you meet Ms. Montez" asked Elijah.

"Met her at a breakfast place. She caught me off guard. Knew everything about me. Soon we bonded" answered Niklaus.

"So your relation with her is of..." continued Elijah.

"Well, we've know each other for a few days. But she is close. Best friend. Even a sister perhaps. Why are you asking though" asked Niklaus.

"Curiosity" said Elijah.

Which caused Niklaus to laugh and Elijah to raise his eyebrows in response.

"Yes, Niklaus. What is so funny" asked Elijah.

"You were never the one to resist a pretty face" said Niklaus. His expression and tone changed and he added menacingly, "But if you ever hurt her, I will torture you in ways you cannot fathom".

"Please, Niklaus. How can you even think so low of me" said Elijah.

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