Chapter 1: All Because of a Broken Promise

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Chresanto’s POV

I watched as she walked off into the rain. I lost her. I’m such an idiot, why did I even do that? I punched a nearby building and rubbed my face.

Janelle’s POV

I walked in the rain until I couldn’t see the restaurant or Chresanto. I balled my eyes out, but you couldn’t even tell because it was raining so hard. I sat down on a bench by the park and took off my heels. I dialed Prod’s number and pressed call. “Come on Prod please pick up.” I mumbled to myself as more tears poured down my face. He didn’t answer, so I called the next number on my list, Ray. I dialed his number and he picked up on the first ring. “Hello?” “Ray.” I said and you could hear every inch of hurt in my voice. “Janelle what’s wrong? You’re crying. Where are you?” he said. “I’m at the first bench by the park. P-please come get me!” I sobbed through the phone. “I’m on my way.” He said. I hung up and sobbed and cried. I felt like my heart had been snatched out of my chest, stomped on, shot, and then placed back in. A couple minutes later Ray’s car pulled up right in front of me and he got and ran over to me. “Janelle!!! Are you ok? What’s going on?” he asked as he took his jacket off and placed it around me. He rushed me into the car and got in turning on the heat. I was shivering. “…Janelle? What happened?” he asked. “…nothing ever goes right.” I said before I broke down again.

Ray’s POV

What the hell is happening right now? Janelle is breaking down in front of me. I sped off back to her house so she could get out of her cold, wet clothes. She was shivering and sobbing and I didn’t like seeing her like this. I want to know what the hell Chresanto did to her. We pulled up at her house and I got out and went to her side. I opened the door and scooped her up bridal style. I carried her to the front door trying to cover her with my jacket. I rang the doorbell repeatedly until an annoyed Princeton opened the door. “Who the fu—OH SHIT!! PROD!!!” he yelled and moved out of the way. I ran in and laid Janelle on the couch. Prod ran down the stairs. “What the hell you yelling for afro puff!?!” he said. Prince pointed to me holding Janelle as she sobbed. “What the hell?” he ran over to us and kneeled down in front of me. He moved Janelle’s hair out of her face. “Nelle are you ok? What’s wrong?” he asked and I could see how sad he looked. Prod hates seeing his sister hurt. “He cheated.” Was all she said. Prod’s face turned from sadness to anger in the blink of an eye. “Take her upstairs to Kay and Jessi.” He said through gritted teeth. I didn’t hesitate to scoop her up and carry her up the stairs. Her room door was cracked open so I backed into it opening it and Kay and Jessi were sitting on the bed watching Twilight. “OMG! What happened!!!” Kay screamed as she jumped off the bed and ran over to us. I let Janelle down and she stood there shivering. “Can y’all make sure she gets warm and please take care of her.” I said. “Of course. But what happened?” Jessi said as she brought a towel out and wrapped it around her. “All she said was he cheated.” I said and walked out.

Prod’s POV

I was now fuming. What the f*ck is wrong with this kid. I can’t believe he would pull this shit with my sister. I paced around the room. I don’t know what to do. I honestly want to kill him.  I went up stairs to see where Janelle was. I opened her room door and she was laying down sobbing with her head on Kay’s lap and her upper body on Jessi’s. Kay was caressing her hair and Jessi was holding the box of tissues and passing them to her. My sister looked like she had been broken. I can’t stand seeing her like this. I just looked at her and I felt my heart stinging. I closed the door and stormed down the stairs.

yes the first chapter was really short, but whatever keep reading.

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