Chapter 19

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Lily's POV


I was so excited for the days events! Harry even told me he'd take me on a picnic—just me and him.

"Come, on, Lily!" he grabbed my hands and pulled me onto his back. I clung to his neck as he got the basket out of the boot of the car and walked over to a beautiful, peaceful clearing. I jumped off and helped him set up. I guess we ate quietly and It wasn't until after the picnic did we start talking.

"I love you so much" Harry pulled me into his lap and hugged me tightly.

"I love you, too, Harry" I blushed as he buried his curly hair in my neck sending kisses up and down It.

"Happy birthday!" I turned me to face him.

"Thanks" I beamed.

He layedvack on the blanket and motioned me down beside him. I joined and looked at him while he gazed up at the cloud littered sky.

"It almost looks like rain" he sighed.

I nodded. "I guess so"

He turned and propped up on his elbow. "Lily I wanted to know If you'd like to study thenext half of the school year here in Doncaster?"

"Will my school allow It?"

"I dunno yet" he strugged scooting closer to me.

I threw my arms around him. "If it's aloud i'd looove to"

Our lips crashed on each other. Butterflies were unleashed in my stomach and a rush of joy floated through me. His tongue swiped accross my lower lip so I gave him an entrance. A dance formed between our tongues and then war! He won and ended up exploring every single inch of my mouth. Eventually he pulled apart and we were both breathing heavily. A few drops of rain spattered on my nose.

"its raining" I frowned.

"Let's go ahead and go" he strugged.

"Ah, maann" I snapped my fingers. That sucks! Freakin' rain."

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