Chapter 2

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  Everyone had changed into their mission suits by the time they got to the tower. Except, of course, for Willow, who was wearing a bright blue sweater and jeans, her silver hair in two braids. Agent Coulson met them on the way in, shaking Cap's hand with his usual vigor.

 "We've got Loki in a containment unit. It's held Asgardians before," Coulson said, leading them towards Loki's cell. "You might want to send someone in to talk to him, see why he's here."

  "Understood Coulson. Thank you."

"I'll go," Willow volunteered, "He won't be able to lie to me, I'll know if he does."

"No, no way." Bucky snapped. 

 Turning her wheelchair around to face him Willow retorted, "It's not up to you. I'll be fine, and I'm the logical choice." She turned to Steve, "Captain?"

 Steve searched her face for a moment before saying, "Permission granted Agent Dariela."

  Willow turned and wheeled her chair toward the cell, listening to Coulson as he gave her instructions, telling her a force-field of sorts would be up between them.


  Opening the door, Willow positioned her wheelchair directly in front of Loki. "Hello Loki. My name is Willow. I have few questions for you."

 Loki shot her a seething look, "Is this the only one the mighty Avengers could send in to speak with me?"

 Bucky and the rest of the team, watched the conversation through several video monitors in the room. It took every ounce of self control Bucky had not to run in there and slam Loki's head into a wall. 

 "Yes, I am. Believe me, I'm much friendlier than the rest of my team."

 Loki laughed, "And what chance to do they think you'll stand against me?"

 "A lot better than you will against me. This is how it's going to go, you are going to answer every one of my questions honestly, if you don't I'll simply search your mind, and take whatever I want. If you choose to answer me, you'll still be able to have a few of your secrets," Willow smirked at him.

 Glaring at her, Loki crossed his arms, "Your lying. You are helpless here. Pathetic."

 Before he could speak further, Willow's eyes glowed, and Loki crumpled to the floor. Unconscious. 


  Wheeling out of the room, Willow began speaking, "He's not here to conquer the earth this time, he's running from something. Whatever it was had Loki running scared. We need to call Thor, I've got some more information he'll want to hear."

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