Chapter 31

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    The jet landed with a jolt, and the second the doors slid open, Warren was up and running. Steve grabbed the back of his jacket and pulled him back, "Wait. Let Wanda scout out the area, you could run straight into enemy fire."

 Warren nodded, and once the coast was clear, the team exited the plane.

"Do you feel her?" Bucky asked, staring intensely at Warren.

"Sort of..."

"You either do or you don't!"

"Yes, but it's muffled. Like she's buried somewhere."

Steve gave quick instructions, "Fan out, search for any signs of Willow."

Everyone nodded, and headed out in separate directions.


  Bucky had been walking for a good ten minutes, the cold air seeping into his lungs, when he heard a branch snap. He spun around, his gun ready, only to see Willow standing next to a tree. A shiver of joy ran through Bucky, and he began to run towards her. But his steps faltered when he realized something was off, Willow wasn't smiling, in fact she was glaring at him, her eyes full of malice. Her eyes weren't right.... Willow's eyes were green not blue, and she was walking. Aiming his gun, Bucky shouted, "Who are you? What have you done with Willow?"

  Willow spoke, but it wasn't her voice, "Oh Willow's standing right in front of you. She's just not home right now."

 A click announced that Bucky was turning off the safety of his gun, "Let her go, or so help him, I'll kill you."

The thing laughed, "Poor stupid soldier. This is still Willow's body, her mind is just somewhere else. You shoot me, you'll kill her."

 Bucky knew the thing was right, and reluctantly he lowered his gun. "Please, just let her go," Bucky's voice broke.

  The thing smiled, "No." It raised it's hand, harnessing Willow's telekinesis, and Bucky was thrown backwards. He slammed into the cliff face, the back of his head hitting the rock. The last thing Bucky saw before his vision clouded was the thing walking towards him, smiling that horrible smile, and it whispered, "Tell your Avengers Thanos is here."


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