Chapter 28

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  For the first time since the accident, Willow was grateful to be unable to walk. That was one more way HYDRA couldn't use her, she could never be a soldier, because she couldn't fight. HYDRA couldn't brainwash her, because if they did, the control she had over her abilities would be wiped away and she'd kill everyone in the room without meaning to. So instead she'd had that awful thing around her neck, that thing that blocked her from using her powers, and shocked her when she disobeyed. 

  Willow had pretended to become complacent, after the first week of painful shocks. She'd obeyed their orders, on the surface she had become a slave to HYDRA's will. But on the inside, Willow was on fire, her agile mind planning hundreds of ways to escape, waiting to jump at the chance of an escape. 


   Willow was sitting in her cell, contemplating smashing someones head against the concrete wall, when someone entered slowly and she felt a familiar presence in her mind. 

 Hello Child. I told you there was no escape

No. This wasn't real. Thanos couldn't be here. Not even HYDRA would be idiotic enough to ally to Thanos.

 Actually yes they are... I promised them total control of the earth. And you child, are going to help me.

Never. I've beaten you before, and I'll beat you again. 

 Suddenly Willow's collar turned on, electrocuting her. She creamed, her voice raw. Then an overpowering presence entered her mind, taking control. All of Willow's defenses were gone, and she couldn't fight him like she was able to the first time.

  Willow could hear loud, harsh, laughter. It was booming through her mind, she couldn't move, she couldn't breath. When Willow was 19, she'd lost control of her abilities and gone into a coma. Since then, Willow was always afraid of not being in control. Willow's worst fear had been realized once more. She was a prisoner inside her own mind, inside her own body. 

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