Chapter 24

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  Willow's whole body hurt, like her skin was on fire. Also, she couldn't feel her legs; but that was completely normal, and for once she was glad. The air in her lungs burned, as though the oxygen was trying to kill her, or Willow thought, the lack of oxygen. Forcing her eyes open, Willow tried to look around her, pushing down her mounting terror. She couldn't see anything, and couldn't move her right arm. Something heavy was pinning it down, and every movement sent shooting pains up through her shoulder. Willow had been claustrophobic since she was a little girl, and the sudden realization that she was buried underground sent her into a panic. Willow began hyperventilating, clawing at the rubble on top of her with her left hand. She had formed a shield of energy with her mind, which was how she had survived, but now she was buried alive. Essentially in a tomb, Willow didn't want to die underground. 

 Closing her eyes, Willow focused on taking deep breaths, thinking about Tallulah making fun of her. Tallulah always knew what to do, what would she do? Tallulah would remain calm, she'd be optimistic, and she'd find a way out. Willow reached out with her mind, feeling the earth around her, trying to judge how deeply she was buried. Gingerly, Willow shifted to iron beam ever so slightly with her mind, relieving the pressure on her right arm. Willow glanced at her right arm, blood seeped from a dark red wound; Willow had to look away. Wiggling like a worm, Willow began to drag herself up, inch by inch. She moved agonizingly slowly, having to pause every few seconds to catch her breath.

 Willow's arms were shaking, her legs were useless dead weight behind her. Grabbing at pieces of rocks and rubble, using them to drag herself up, clearing a path using her mind. After hours of dragging herself through the rubble, Willow found fresh air. Dragging herself into the air, Willow rolled over, staring up at the sky. Hundreds of stars twinkled down out of the pitch black night. Willow stared up at the sky, unable to move any further, the burning pain that ran over her entire body causing the edges of her vision to blur. 

   A movement from the corner of her eyes caught Willow's attention, but she couldn't focus on the figure. Willow's mind clouded and she blacked out. 

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