Chapter 13

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   Willow had locked herself in the cell, and not only was a solid steel beam holding it closed, but she was also using her mind to hold it closed. No one had been able to get in, and Bucky had taken to sleeping outside of the door. But when Willow had started screaming again, he'd renewed his efforts. Then suddenly the door had swung open, and Bucky had seen Willow collapsed on the ground. 

  Kneeling next to her, Bucky said her name over and over, but there was no response. Willow had dark shadows under her eyes, and her eyelids were half-closed, revealing that her eyes were rolled back up into her head. Her skin was pale and clammy, and her breathing was shallow. Bucky put a hand behind her back and tried to sit her up, but her head fell back onto her shoulders. 

 "Steve! Bruce! Willow opened the door!" Bucky shouted lifting Willow up off the ground, and holding her limp body up against his chest. 

 Steve came sprinting into the room, followed by Bruce, both with worried looks on their faces. Bruce knelt down next to Willow, checking her pulse. "Pick her up, and bring her to the lab. Her pulse is erratic."

 Bucky picked Willow up, and she remained completely limp, the rapid rise and fall of her chest the only clue that she was still alive.


   Lowering her gently onto the small hospital bed that Banner kept at the back of his lab for emergencies, Bucky was pushed to the side as Banner began to insert an IV needle into Willow's arm. 

 "She hasn't eaten or had any fluids for a week," Bruce explained, attaching the needle to an IV bag. "If you want to stand next to her get on the other side of the bed."

 Walking numbly to the other side of the hospital bed, Bucky watched Bruce hurriedly hooking Willow up to a heart monitor. Willow's skin was as white as the sheets of the hospital bed. The line on the heart monitor jumping frantically. 

 Willow's hand moved weakly, and she grabbed Bucky's hand. "Bucky, you didn't let me finish..." She whispered weakly, "Earlier... I didn't get to finish what I was saying... Bucky Barnes, I love you.." She squeezed his hand.

  Then the line on the heart monitor went flat, and Willow Dariela's heart stopped. 

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