Chapter 26

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  Willow couldn't see anything, and she had no idea where she was. God. Willow hoped she hadn't gone blind. Then she'd be absolutely useless, unable to walk or see. Clenching and un-clenching her fists, Willow tried to get the feeling back into her fingers. She could feel something metal around her wrists, and she tried to wriggle free. 

 A creaking sound announced a door opening, and a splinter of light was cast onto Willow's face. Confirming that she was indeed, not blind. Willow began thrashing around, struggling to escape, trying to use her powers. A searing pain flashed across her mind, and she screamed in agony.

 The figure standing in the door flipped on a light switch, and Willow had to blink rapidly to adjust to the light levels. A tall man was standing with his arms crossed, staring down at her. "Ah, Ms.Dariela, I see that you've been trying out our newest technology?"

 Willow didn't speak, she just glared at him. 

"That headband is designed to shut off your abilities, and overtime will teach you to use them to exact our will."

 Willow continued to struggle against the restraints. 

"You may be wondering where you are, or why you still have your memories?" The man went on. "You have been welcomed into HYDRA with open arms. My division has been ordered to keep her mind as it is."

 "Do you have any idea who your employer is?" Willow snapped. She had a pretty good guess.

"We don't need to know, and neither do you."

"I'm just glad I'm not stupid enough to work for a total stranger."

"We'll leave you here to think about your new place in HYDRA's rank. If you accept your place, you could hold a very high position in our ranks. But if you don't you'll have no rank, and a lot of pain."

 With that, the man walked out, slamming the door behind him. 

"Good day kind sir!" Willow shouted after him. Hoping her sarcasm was doing it's job of concealing her fear. The horrible, bone chilling fear that she would end up like Bucky. Broken, alone, and unable to remember who he was. Except with Willow, there would be no one there to put her mind back together; like she had with Bucky. Willow didn't want to end up a caged animal, just a gun to be pointed at HYDRA's enemies; and Willow Dariela hated being afraid. 

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