(VII) Don't Stop

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     I would've never thought I'd be doing this, dancing for the creator of one of my most favorite songs.

Only three articles of clothing dressed me, white and red tube socks, a red laced thong, and Michael's white button up I stole from him a couple of days before—only the two buttons and slits above my belly button were fastened.

Michael was perched on the end of my bed, unable to rid his smile.

We were in my bedroom playing around. Adrienne and I got an apartment together in L.A a while back.

Somehow I ended up dancing to Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough. I watched the video enough times to get the dance down but of course, I was throwing a little bit of Kat in it, turning around, lifting my shirt and shaking my booty. He was getting a real kick out of it.

The bun nestled on the top of my head loosened as I bounced my head around. With one finger, I tugged at my hair band and let my curls fall. "I'm meltinggg, like hot candle wax," I sang with rocking hips.

Michael was always laughing; he was actually a big joker (hence Bill's nickname for him) but I had never seen him laugh like this before. He was cracking up, bent over with tears in his eyes. I was more amusing than sexy, I guess.

"Keep on, with the force, don't-" My own giggling broke through the lyrics. "Keep on, with the force, don't stop. Don't stop 'til you get enough..." I did a 360 and then began shimmying my way closer to him. Snaking my neck, I bumped noses with him and he stole a kiss.

My feet slid across the hardwood floor and landed me back in my center stage.

When the song reached the end, I was close enough for Michael to grab on to my hand. I danced my way on his lap as Rock With You came on through my boombox. I straddled him and he willingly laid back on the bed. His kiss went beyond my lips so I explored myself.

"Are we going to finally have sex tonight?" I asked.

"I don't know." He undid my last two buttons. "Are we?"

It was amazing how much I was able to corrupt him in just two weeks. I sat up and threw my head back as his large hands cupped my breasts. Suddenly, I felt him jerk and the light turned off, leaving us in the dark.

"Michael! Why did you turn the light off?" I reached for my lamp but he wrestled me on my back.

"Leave it."

I pushed him off of me and successfully turned the light back on. "I want to see you."

Michael sighed and pulled the lamp string. "I want it dark."

I reached for the lamp again. "I want it on," I said smiling at him in the light. I won as he rolled his eyes and turned on his side.

"Don't be such a child." I laid on my side and mimicked his posture, tucking my hands under my resting cheek. "Why do we always have to do stuff in the dark?" I asked, looking into his eyes.

"I don't know. That's just me."

"You don't have to be shy with me."

"I'm not."

"Yeah, when we're suffocating under the covers."

He smiled and shrugged his shoulder. "Not everyone is like you, Kat."

"And no one is like you, Michael."

His smile died down to a grin. "Can I ask you a personal question?"

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