(XXIV) Purple Rain

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Two Hours Later...

The only thing you could hear were the exhales of two tired little women. I kidnapped Lizzie, or you can say she ran away with me, and we were sitting in my car.

I had been parked in Prince's garage for about an hour. I didn't want to go inside. I wanted to make sure we wouldn't try killing each other off again. I felt fine, honestly. But I wasn't sure about him.

"Maybe we should go inside now. It's getting cold in here," Lizzie said.

"I'm just thinking about last time."

"You started that shit last time. He's not going to hurt you. Especially with me being here. Are you sure he doesn't mind?"

"He won't care." I laughed a little, because Lizzie's fears about him were comical. But I guess he's always gave her that vibe. Even when we were younger and he lived with us for a little while, Lizzie never really spoke to him. I didn't either. He stuck by my dad during those few months.

Lizzie sighed and opened up her door first. I followed her lead.

"Do you want to take some stuff inside?" she asked, throwing her book bag on her shoulder.


For guidance, I used the dull light shining from the centered window on the door. Lizzie followed me inside.

The house was welcoming, incredibly warm. And it was quiet. Too quiet. But Prince's cars and motorcycle were all in the garage so I knew he was around somewhere.

I showed Lizzie to one of the guest rooms. "I'm gonna just crash if you don't mind."

"Of course not. You can call Eric. There's a phone in there."

"Thanks," she said hugging me. "But if I hear screaming, I will come after you."

I smiled that off. "I think we'll be fine."

I propped up on my toes and kissed her cheek. "Goodnight."


After I shut her in her room for the night, I started heading towards Prince's bedroom. I still hadn't gotten used to calling it 'ours.'

The door was opened and the room was dark and still. He wasn't there.

So I checked the next closest place. The basement studio. But nope. Wasn't down there either. It had to be the sunroom.

As I began down the long hallway, piano play began to rush towards me.

I faced it head on and the air around me became chilling. The tune sounded so familiar but I couldn't remember where I heard it before.

     When I opened the door, he didn't miss a note or even look my way. His eyes were closed as he was one with the instrument.

I leaned on the wall and watched his hands closely. It was the Purple Rain song. I wished for him to sing. Or even hum to the melody because I also remember feeling an attachment to the lyrics.

But he didn't.

I stalked around him and decided to take a seat on the sofa. I lowered my chin on my resting arms from the end of the couch. Watching him play any instrument was always a beautiful scene. When he had a guitar in his hands, most of the time I wanted to fuck his brains out.

But when he was on the piano, I only wanted to make love to him.

As he closed out the song, he turned to me and smiled.

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