Chapter 4: What to do?

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Kitana POV
I remem- I remember being on my knees and hearing two voices speak but I couldn't identify them or even see who they were, my vision was so blurry...

Normal POV
Sub-Zero stood in front of the unconscious Kitana who was on her knees and guarded by some warriors  (as if they stood a chance against one of Shao Khan's former assassins). 'Why would they attack? What did Liu Kang mean by most deals were made to be disobeyed? Why would they leave Kitana?' there were so many questions running through Sub-Zero's mind but was quickly brought back to reality by a flash of lighting... of course it was Raiden. Sub-Zero immediately called him after his fight against the revenants.

-"So... why exactly did they attack you?" Raiden asked for the millionth time, clearly sounding mad after what happened with the revenants.

-"For the last time Lord Raiden I do not know! They just appeared out of nowhere, attacking us and saying 'most deals were made to be disobeyed' just please believe me!" Sub-Zero said frantically.
Raiden lifted a hand to silence Sub-Zero "I never said that I don't believe you, I just need some answers as to why they would do this..." Raiden said calmly and started to trail off. Sub-Zero let out a big breath that he didn't know he was holding in. But then Sub-Zero remembered his old friend that was unconscious at the moment.

-"So what do we do about the revenant and 'dark empress' known as Kitana, since Quan Chi is dead?" 'Thanks to Scorpion' Sub-Zero said and mentally added in his head while scolding at Scorpion's stupidity and blindness from rage.

-"Good question Sub-Zero, I have been putting all of my free time trying to find a cure and finally I have found one... hopefully it will be successful" Raiden said worried and whispering the last part.

-"What do you mean? Asked Sub-Zero confusion and a little worry could be heard in his voice.

-"What I mean is I do not know what will happen if something goes wrong." Raiden said more confident but still sounding concerned for his once known ally and friend.

-"Are you saying that were putting someone's life at risk!?" Sub-Zero asked a little angry not caring he was starting to shout at the god of thunder and even though Kitana was already dead he still cared about one's well being.

Frost just stood there in the background(as always) rolling her eyes, while Raiden and Sub-Zero argued. After the whole 'attacking Scorpion' incident she wasn't well trusted to let out her opinions on what to do and only attacked when ordered too, but this time she actually sided with Raiden.'Why does it matter what happens to her?! She dresses like a slut and clearly attacked us and tried to destroy the temple! Who cares if she gets hurt from the cure at least we would know that it doesn't work!' Frost thought angrily but decided to sound more formal by taking a better approach to the situation "Sorry dear brother but I agree with Lord Raiden on this, if something goes wrong we would at least know that this is not the cure" she said calmly trying to sound innocent. Sub-Zero's eyes widened at this remark but kept his composure.

-"Just please Sub-Zero let me try." Raiden said reassuring.

After a long argument and some help from Frost, Sub-Zero finally agreed to it.

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